progressive easter liturgy

Last week, I compiled a list of online video resources for worship. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountain apart and shattered the rocks by YHWEHs powerbut YHWH was not in the whirlwind. But because I had been forced to grapple with something I could not at the time reconcile with the person of Jesus whom I loved. We share it as our pledge of openness to the spirit in our midst, jQuery.noConflict(); It was an epic trip on which my once innocent 20-year-old self learned to swig akvavit like a Viking. Herman Praamsma, pastor of the Fellowship CRC ofRexdale, Ontario. Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! You see Paul was skilled in the ancient art of rhetoric and would recognize my own rhetoric for what it is. Thats the loop which has been playing round and round in me, all week long. We remember that the women came, early in the morning, on the third day. As we toasted ourselves by the fire, my mind wandered back to the Cremation of Sam McGee and I wondered, if Id ever learn what strange things are done beneath the mid-night sun. They thought I was in danger of being tormented in the bowels of Hell for all eternity. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); After two long years of isolation, I have learned how to block out the world. So, it should not surprise us that our ancestors in the faith, projected onto the DIVINITY the kind of personality which resonates in a culture where violence is seen as the answer to chaos. Lift up your hearts. Practicing resurrection happens when we empower one another to rise.Practicing resurrection happens when we build communities of compassion that live fully, love extravagantly, and empower people to be all that they were created to be. by Alydia Smith and the Rev. I had just moved up to Jasper, Alberta, determined to make enough money during that summer, so that I could continue my backing excursions in Europe. If you have already donated, thank you! Surely, Jesus cant be pointing to the GREAT I AM, the MYSTERY which we call GOD and saying that GOD is a fool. OK, if youve stuck with me this far, you are probably beginning to wonder how exactly you, or I deny the resurrection. We are not fallen creatures. Father's Day Video "Foster Kid Father's Day". Easter Sunday Liturgy 4.12.20 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS EASTER ACCLAMATION P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit . Settle into your seat, close your eyes and imagine a place that brings you comfort and peace. Hosanna in the highest. What tombs of conformity does society create in order to control the spirit of fully alive divergence? Resurrection is beauty appreciated, love shared, justice implemented. Hearts to Heaven and Voices Raise," stanza 4) Alleluia, Alleluia! These tears will wash away our illusions of a quick fix and wipe away our delusions that by violently enforcing the status quo we can create peace. Required fields are marked *. view on video. Frame 3: Stop and smell the roses everyday. Believe it or not, my wrestling skills actually helped me rise to the level of a world champion wrestler. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. But sometimes letting go is the only way to preserve the integrity of the heirloom. Easter Sunrise Service April 20, 2014 Central Presbyterian Church Central Presbyterian Church seeks to glorify the Triune God by embracing the gospel, building our community, making disciples, and transforming societies. Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the Worship Bulletin, ONE with the LOVE which permeates the Cosmos! 3 0 obj This week, I have been transfigured by the face of CHRIST, not glowing on a mountaintop, but weeping. Some of these messages convey ways we might experience subtle resurrections and deaths in our everyday lives. With open minds and hearts, may the God-in-us find generous and courageous expression in our words and actions as we endeavor to make the presence of God evident in our world. Remember those first gatherings of the people who followed Jesus teachings met in secret because they feared for their lives. The Apostle Paul wrote: We who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. When followers of Jesus in the first century and in the twenty-first century talk about the resurrection of Christ, we are proclaiming that death did not have the last word in the Jesus story because his followers were raised up to be his body right here, right now. Today, it doesnt matter how CHRIST rose nearly 2000 years ago. As frightened as I was, I was determined to get close to these magnificent beasts. Send us your: ResourceEventNewsIdeasnow There are heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies. Not all bodies are the same. Humans were cast out of the perfection of the garden and alienated for their creator. jQuery.noConflict(); With humility, with awareness of the existence of life. They all knew the dangers of traveling to Jerusalem. Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And star differs from star in brightness. Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, read more A Good Friday Prayer by Lenny Duncan on March 1, 2021 | 0 Comments But we have seen the face of CHRIST, and CHRIST compels us, through CHRISTs tears, to go out from the safety of our lofty positions, down into the violent world to be the LOVE which creates peace through justice. Can we ever learn to see the face of CHRIST in one such as him? 'It is always Springtime in the heart that loves God.'. Turns out I was close. Suddenly, one of those magnificent monsters rubbed up against the bottom of our dingy. and proclaim the Resurrected Christ who offers life to all. When soap didnt work she reached for the butter. "Our Father". Communion is a ritual that draws us into a longing for God's justice to find its place on earth. Too many Hollywood movies tempt me to flirt with violence, as I yearn for some secret agents to just take him out! } else { (1 Kings 19:1-12) It is about a prophet named Elijah, who was struggling to understand the will of the they knew as YHWH, the HEBREW name for the MYSTERY we call God, which can be translated as I AM, WHO AM or I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE or the GREAT I AM. All risings of the human spirit are preceded by brokenness, loss or rejection. Frame 6: You are a special and unique image of God. Hell, I dont want to see it. This knowledge has to change the way in which we see our relationship with the MYSTERY that lies at the very source of our being; our Creator if you will. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! It occurred to me the other day, that it is quite peculiar that most of what has been written about Jesus in the New Testament and indeed our liturgies, even the hymns we sing about Jesus they tend to shift our focus to Jesus death. 2014-04-20 liturgy [Easter sunrise] Author: Mike Farley It was written by Gord Waldie. Death is vanquished. All who are truly sorry for their sins, who sincerely believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior, and who desire to live in obedience to him, are now invited to come with gladness to the table of the Lord. I mean who in the hell believes that billionaires ought to be allowed to engage in a giant pissing contest disguised as a space race? We know that humans have been evolving over millennia. It wasnt until this endless loop exposed the presence of yet another face of CHRIST that I begin to be transfigured. It is long past time for us to move beyond arguments about a physical resuscitation of Jesus body. It was a very quiet little voice deep down inside of me, at least I think it was inside of me. and we bless the earth and all that fills it. Is the anonymous gospel-storyteller really saying that Jesus taught his followers to risk everything they have in order to find the one thing they have lost? Yes, the father should never have trusted his sons with all that he had, and when his lost son showed himself to be untrustworthy, he shouldnt have been welcomed with open arms, and as for the faithful, self-righteous son, well sometimes justice demands that we abandon the rules, if we are to achieve peace. Beautiful liturgy. Some were staring vacantly through time, like the tens of millions of Ukrainians who were starved to death during the Holodomor by yet another brutal Russian dictator. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It wasnt until that young Dad buried his face in his daughters chest that I recognized the face of CHRIST. She used warm soapy water to try to loosen the toddlers hand, which was stuck all right. The flat Earth was surrounded by the waters. % Dying you destroyed our death, We share this bread and drink, as Jesus shared a Passover meal with his disciples, and we partake of it together as our pledge of openness to the Spirit of Love in our midst, and as our remembrance of Jesus who invited us to do even greater things than he did. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Wellspring Liturgies. You can skip to the end and leave a response. *Easter Peace Beloved in Christ, God's love pours out from the grave of despair. Call to Worship & Opening Prayer. jQuery(document).on('change', '#submission-action', function(){ Her unseen hand was stuck inside her great-grandmothers vase. So, it made it difficult for us to work up much speed. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! Crystal was very upset and still very stuck. So, Im trusting that it doesnt much matter whether or not you or I or anyone believes or doesnt believe in the physical resuscitation of Jesus corpse. It empowers us to hope in the coming resurrection and new life. What might we wealthy followers of Jesus be prepared to pay to serve the needs of those held captive to the financial empire of our time? According to Paul, the earthly body; the physical body must die in order for the heavenly or the spiritual body to be born. I can see on that endless loop little families in Jerusalem, fleeing to the safety of the countryside, passing endless crucifixion sites. by Alydia Smith. With visions of a grand and glorious past they were free from the dangers of the violence being wrought upon their world by the forces of the Roman Empire. What can progressive Christians say about the story of Easter? Only a fool would rejoice with such extravagance. We rejoice that Jesus lives on, as we all will, in the reality we call God. Some of the people remained in the fragmented remnants and developed compensating mantras. We believe that faith can move mountains, and that caterpillars can be transformed into butterflies. Morning . Furthermore, I suspect that you do to. The Liturgy of the Hours includes several specified times of prayer. I dont know about you but when that giant phallic ship was trusting into the wild blue yonder, I became somewhat indignant. It is time for us to be LOVE in the world. I dont know. Your email address will not be published. I mean, like, its common sense. (BL),,, Singing the Sacred, Vol 1 2011 World Library Publications, Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me. The people of Israel have abandoned your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death by the sword. So much so that they confessed their desire to stay with Jesus in the splendor of that mountaintop. endobj All your creatures testify to your mighty deeds! Add to Bin. Congregational Prayers (may be solicited), which may be preceded by other joyful and appropriate responses to the Easter Gospel. I am tweaking this for this Sunday credit to your site will be given. While greasing her childs wrist like a cake pan, she asked the obvious mother question. How in the world did you do this, child? Crystal carefully explained that she had dropped candy down into the vase to see if she could still see it when it was at the very bottom. It wasnt about believing in resurrection it was about practicing resurrection. This cup is the new covenant sealed in my blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This week, two events stand in stark contrast to one another. Im in real danger of losing my ability to follow Jesus on what appears to all the world to be the foolish path of non-violent resistance to empire. The EMPIRE OF DIVINITY is not yet here. window.location.replace(''+thisact); As the earth sheds its snow, it begins to drink in the warm rains and creation comes alive once again. Come then to the joyful feast of the Lord! jQuery(document).ready(function(){ Ready: Perhaps some will ask, How are the dead to be raised up? My predicament often makes it difficult for me to appreciate the beauty of the heirloom. Is that right?, Crystal was a little breathless from all the crying she had been doing and all she could manage was a whimpered, Mmm hummm. Honey, tell grandma the truth now. Crystals mother tried to move quickly without panicking. But there are times. Now, talk of the mid-night sun always took me back to my childhood memories of my Dad reciting the Robert Service poem, the Cremation of Sam McGee. MASS READINGS. The conflation with Spring and new life is no coincidence we are grateful for the cycle of renewal in all its forms. Listen for yourself to the skilled rhetorician Paul, who employs the tactic well in the reading assigned for this Sunday, by the powers behind the Churchs Revised Common Lectionary. Advent C. First Sunday of Advent. good times, bad times - give me some of that: blogging on faith and life. The nursery rhyme dates back to the English civil war, when the Royalists were being attacked by the Parliamentarians, they put their faith in the size of their cannons, one of them was so large it went by the name Humpty Dumpty, which at the time was a term used to describe fat rich guys. May the Spirit open our souls in order for us to see humanity, God and creation through the eyes of Jesus. Sunday between November 27 and December 3. We give thanks and rejoice that Jesus so clearly and courageously linked our loving and our dying with living on in God. Forget for a moment the layers of interpretations offered by generations of Jesus followers who have interpreted that little word ransom as some sort of cosmic escape clause offered by Jesus as a way out of the trials and tribulations of life on this planet. Surely, the Americans have an agency for this. Today, it is Easter Sunday for orthodox Christians. Letting go isnt as simple as it sounds. But like so many athletes, when my status changed from amateur to professional, I lost my championship status and although I still qualify as a professional wrestler, and I like to see myself as a champion, Im no longer what you would call world-class. As we recall the trusting of impotent rocket ships escaping for mere moments the confines of the empires we thrive in, do we have the courage to see our own hypocrisy? You can peruse my notes for the service in the pdf of my missal here. Well, with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek let me blame it on a dog. We remember on the night when Jesus and the disciples The third face of CHRIST belongs to a Ukrainian Mother holding back her tears as she embraces her little family. Welcome to the liturgy of The Namaste Church! *Leader: Grace be to you and peace, from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of kings on earth. So, when you catch a glimpse of the REIGN of LOVE, celebrate and as you celebrate remember to invite others into the party. Repent Metanoia let us think new thoughts so that we might ask: What can Jesus teach us? Suddenly, the Cosmos reminded me that freedom from ancient ways of knowing does not mean freedom from REALITY. Friends, let us come out of the darkness and join together in the light of Gods love. Give us the gifts of this holy communion , [This triple blessing and sending/commissioning may be delivered by three different voices.]. Leader: Brothers and sisters in Christ, the gospels tell us that on the first day of the week, the same day on which our Lord rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples and was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); The Earth was flat. Pinging is currently not allowed. We are smart. Somehow, these long busy days working in my office at home, while we all do our best to cope with what we hope will be the last tidal wave of this pandemic, somehow this created a longing in me, strong enough to push me out on the ice despite the -23 which threatened to rob me of my breath. Winter, with its cold and dark days has gone, just as Good Friday has passed to Easter and beyond. The texts contained in this site are unofficial. Youll find it in the first Book of Kings. A Prayer at the End of a Quarantined Day. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); These perfect humans enjoyed a perfect relationship with their Creator. I share these tears with you knowing full well that tears wont put an end to war, nor will they end our constant reliance upon violence to maintain a fragile peace. I can hear them now, those held captive to by our ancestors limited understanding, I can hear them. Amen. Remember, should you have to choose between them in the strife, THEME The Connecting Solitude THOUGHTS FOR REFLECTION The spiritual desert is not a foe to be conquered but an emptiness to be affirmed: for when we are full, we perceive nothing, but when we are empty we can receive everything. It can be deadly. How dare I posit a GOD who is LOVE? The Bible was written by men who believed that they lived in a three-tiered universe. Amen. Everyone knows that.. So, I waved and was gifted by their own energetic response. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); *This liturgy is an adaptation of the traditional. McCourt asks: Who says its an egg?, Of course, its an egg. Michelle L. Torigian. Only a fool would be such a steward as this. The text is taken in large part from Martin Luther's Small Catechism, with which Zinzendorf . Physics teaches us that nothing dies, everything is transformed. At this Easter gathering, we take bread, as Jesus took bread, and we remember, as Jesus remembered, the constant presence of the spirit of life and love. And there was no official campsite back then. jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); Because when you look at the shepherd, the woman, and the father in these parables, they come do come off as reckless fools, unless they are risking all that they have for the sake of something worth risking everything for. Evening Prayer Audio the silences are intentional. One day, Elijah demanded of the voice, I have been very zealous for YHWH God Omnipotent. In both Ukraine and in Russia a wounded CHRIST is struggling to rise from death. Oh, how I miss those Sunday closings! And God called thefirmamentHeaven.. Lets try to focus on what is actually happening in the story. } Humans have tried in vain to get themselves back into the garden, to restore our oneness with our creator. The Timeless Psalms: Psalm 148, Easter 5C, Joan Stott, prayers and meditations based on lectionary Psalms, 2016. As we begin the Offertory, we prepare the gifts of this celebration. Let me remind you that a generation before our anonymous gospel-storyteller wrote his account of Thomas doubts, somewhere around the years 50 to 53, the Apostle Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthian followers of the Way, that such questions about physical resurrection were in fact stupid. Our parents were sound asleep when the whales arrived. But I must tell you, when that first whale jumped up out of the water, and we saw the tell-tale signs of those white patches on its side, we moved faster than youd think two kids in a slowly deflating rubber dingy ought to be able to manage. We know that humans are continuing to evolve. The Easter Peace is shared *Hymn This Is the Day Do we have the courage to hear the word ransom as sacrifice? I like the Apostle Paul, do not believe in the resuscitation of a corpse. The Book of Common Prayer of 1662 (BCP) continues as a benchmark. There are flowers in the sanctuary during Lent! Pachena Bay is by far one of the most beautiful places in all of creation. Through this meal, make us the body of Christ, that we may join with you in promoting the well-being of all creation. When he placed his hand on my forehead, I stiffened my entire being, because there was no way I was going down. He greets us with peace the world does not know, he give us peace the world cannot give. Your support is needed to help ProgressiveChristianityorg. We, too, experience new possibilities arising from our failures or disappointments or what has come to an end. I say quote to be polite, which is generally not the way these Christians impart these words of Scripture to me. Amen. The face of CHRIST which must be seen if we are to end this madness. This gospel was written some 70 years after the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. Only a fool, would run head-long, open armed to kiss such a wayward fool, extravagantly bestow more household treasures, and expect the faithful to join in the rejoicing.Only a fool, would cajole the self-righteous, indignant child to join the celebration. Would leave ninety-nine sheep to look for one lost sheep. ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26. You can also watch the videos of the homilies our videorgrapher is enjoying the Family Day weekend so my head is missing from the first parts but thanks to a volunteers intervention my head is restored in the third video. Lift up your hearts. Liturgy Ideas. Historians tell us that those roads which all lead to Rome, those roads were dotted with thousands of crucifixion sites. He greets us with peace the world does not know. If there is no resurrection of the dead then not even CHRIST has been raised. What can we see in the wounds which are depicted in this story? The Apostle Paul did not need there to be an actual physical resuscitation of a corpse in order to believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. God the Holy Spirit, who lled the disciples with the life of the risen Lord, empower you and ll you with Christ's peace. The moss, the kelp, the zebrafish, the very mice and flies, Read More. I proclaim these words from Pauls conclusion to the chapter at every funeral I have ever presided over. Alas, the sun does indeed shine at midnight in the summer months, but in Norway summer does not include the month of August. We are free to seek, to know, and to become this LOVE in which we live, and move, and have our being. Let us affirm the resurrection by living as Jesus lived, embodying the LOVE which IS the DIVINE MYSTERY. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Jesus. But lets just leave Humpty Dumpty up there on the wall for a while, and shift our focus to todays story, from the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as John. More we can do and offer our readership with your support prophets to death the. Not in the world can not give who says its an egg to look for one sheep... Resurrection and new life is no coincidence we are grateful for the butter holy communion [....Attr ( 'href ', '/paupress/? rel=pauContent & pau_type='+thisact ) ; humility. 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progressive easter liturgy