how to annoy neighbors who smoke

Now problem is new neighbors are worse . On top of it all they block me in my driveway with big van so I cant get out to get kids off the bus, trespass, go to hit me and my baby, have a video camera facing our driveway and back yard and I dont call the cop because I am not that type of person and wont stup to that level. This may be enough to take care of the issue. I was knocking on the door telling them to move their car so that I can get out. But stil on October 31, 2018: Moved to the county to avoid neighbors, but still ened up with two of the worst!!! Close the window and try to ignore it? We have a guy who thinks he has a club at his house on the corner. Wish I had the guts to really do them! Saturday it was so cloudy and rainy, that I nodded off for a nap only to be jarred awake hearing him outside screaming in excitement while playing basketball. The best thing you can do is laugh at them, They cant stand being laughed at. But funny thing is as evil as they are and that was just an example of some of what they do , I feel sorry for people to have such a dark heart and hatred. Prune flowers from their garden and give your wife a bouquet. So bad the Pipes are Freezing and the toilets don't flush, water pressure is waaaay down. Haha. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. Nw they al sit around and smoke cigarettes all day and eat pizzas. From the first day he started knocking our door and telling us not to let our dog to come to the yard and make sure the dog does not bark! Next is to wash the walls with a warm, soapy solution. and yes, hes off again. So, im legit stuck here. Do what you can to fix the situation, especially if it is something the neighbors can't help or aren't able to fix. i might partake of some of these ideas, My neighbor just shouts at me saying "oi you keep the noise down ive got kids trying to sleep hear" so shes sucsessfuly annoyed a 10 year old to the point i want to punch her. A vaporizer is ideal, but if you don't have a. Donate your leftovers and compost to your neighbors! Shake hands. Smoke can easily drift from one apartment to another. He STOMPS around and it is so bad my pictures are falling off the walls. If that also doesn't work in your situation, you can consider bringing in filtered make up air (see below section). He talk to her husband quietly and said we are putting up a fence. thank you for the tips!! Cause I aint rolling. They only back down when they are trumped with rudeness. We have live in our neighborhood for 6 years now. Reclaim your peace and quiet at home. I have never rented before and it shall be the last time. None of these ideas are particularly wise. I often ask myself why are they still living here. They kept yelling, loud music, etc. The 30 foot high cedar hedge between us does nothing to stop the smoke. Dog Silencer MAX sends signals up to 300 feet away. and 1 daughter about 12. Nope, these ideas are wimpy. It is totally unexceptable behavior. Otherwise, you'll have to call the police. Our mailbox is on the county rd not his prooerty plus im in no authority to movr it since thats fedral. Mike how about if they have a eyesore on the street curb and you call a curb alert to have it removed in the middle of the night or how about at 2 or 3 in the morning on a hot night spray pepper gas in there air conditioner. TP their tree! Completely ridiculous ideas. I've heard stories of how selfish people can be. They apologized and said they would, but then proceeded to continue about their ways. She says I don't fit in the block. 1. The men's voice were loud as they were yelling and laughing loudly. The way to cover his short coming he boss people around. There are two types of nuisancespublic nuisance and private nuisance. And, I'm not open to any advice on being nice, because rude people do not adhere to nice. Keep your window open or have them practice outside. CAL. Just use your friendly neighbors unsecured Internet access! For work one son is a pizza delivery driver. 6. It is an ultrasonic noise machine that emits a decibel that kids and i think people under 30 find unbearable. I am going to work hard to buy a comer lot house and buy the one beside it to put plants next time! Think of them as children. I have never had an issue or a grievance with them. I wheeled the garbage bin to the back wall, flipped open the lid and cut the plastic bag open with the cat in it. OMG, was it a smelly rotten mess. The ideas suggested in this article are mostly illegal, poor judgement and likely to backfire. Use their garden hose to fill your swimming pool and then have a pool party and invite them. I will blast it during the day and as long as they play to drive the point home. So needless to say by the time the weekend rolled around I was already irritated, but to have "whack hoop dreams" dribbling and shooting and waking me up has led me to hate all of them equally. That said, you can smoke things on a grill, somewhat. Be sure the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbors' open windows. So when ever demon child throws his tantrums we hear the entirety of it. She wants me to move I'm at my wit's end. Calm down. We just drive up on his lawn and idle for a good minute and then park beside his house on the trim of the grass, cant do anything about it, except accept the tire tracks on his yard. My son handicap man is in a home Becouse of liars naibour s going round telling people my boy noisy when he I'll and in pain now thay trying to get us out of our home 52 years. Weve already got trouble! I am so frustrated I am beside myself. I got fed up at one point, and knocked on their door to ask politely that they quiet down. Friend had a neighbor who put in a very bright yard light that was pointed at her bedroom window. Lightening struck it and a healthy branch fell down and now our across the street neighbors keep giving me dirty looks. I try to plants things around my tree but he comes into our yard and mows around our tree. Plant a Weeping Willow tree in your yard, but close to your neighbor's property. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Keep your dog outdoors and allow it to bark 24/7. I have a neighbor who keeps bothering my parents about our tree. It should be common sense, but common sense is the least common thing. To tell you the truth I dont even think about using any of the tips on him as I feel sorry for him. So now I am the scarlet letter wearing neighbor who deals with nasty, mean spirited evil neighbors . No sections added! Make sure it is not easy-listening music. so we have our neighbors right in front of our house and to get to the mail box we have to go in her yard and she tells us to get out of her yard and to stop leaving the gate door open!!!!! The top of the gadget sits flush against the ceiling, delivering a range of annoying vibrations to noisy neighbours. Ive been looking for a new place but cant find anything right now. I came out with a baby in my hands said it again and she went to hit me on my property and almost hit the baby but I stepped back. Move appliances that make noise e.g. Item 13 is most likely criminal under the law of most states and also subjects you to civil liability for invasion of privacy. Living in a neighborhood can be a pleasant experience of convivial support, backyard barbecues, and lasting memories. Have it peeking through the curtains. The renters next door are nasty knowalls who push the boundaries with parking illegaly all the time! Time to move out of this HELL HOLE! Place a telescope near your window. CODE 3480. I'd give anything for you to ANNOY the hell outta me right now! Its a neiusence in the neighborhood very embarrassing to alway have the cops up here and not nessesary to bother cops with this stupid shit when they have other things to do. If you identify with one or more of the factors below -- you just might be an annoying neighborhood. How to Annoy Your Neighbours Imagine you are sitting in your flat (apartment) on a warm summer's evening, enjoying the fresh air with the window open, when suddenly your nose is assailed by a horrid stinksomeone in a nearby flat is smoking! He has the manicured lawn, retired and devotes 24/7 of his time to his home. She started a fight in the front yard with two other females last summer. Oh well, hope they move - SOON. Sometimes your neighbors really get on your nerves. Featuring: The top 50 restaurants to eat at for under $25 (presented by Tuatara); DJ, promoter, and icon Half Queen; our annual review of the ups and (slight) downs of the local property market (with thanks to Barfoot and Thompson); an interview with Lee Tamahori; an investigation into the battle for whakapapa recognition in Auckland; a look at . Nothing ever came of that. He said she didn't want to but felt concerned. The idiots who were renting the other house that kept tethering their two dogs on that property when it was empty damaged the entry gate and took it off of the hinges. As a bonus, you could make your yard blue, and the yellow/blue combination will surely drive your neighbor crazy! 2. I tried to look at website or search to know what the nature of the business is but there was nothing, not even a contact number. New York State law defines harassment as any conduct intended to annoy, threaten, intimidate, or alarm another person. If you see that they're planning a huge party, for example, ask if they can keep the noise to a minimum by a certain time. A few months afterward, one of the girls in that apartment actually fell through the stairs and the fire dept had to come and get her out. It wasn't intentional, just totally rude. Contact the office manager and get them involved. I need to make a change. My neighbor is 84 years old and she is the boss of the neighborhood. It's going to need to be at least a little open to have the proper air flow. !! Dribble the ball as often as you want! So this yuppi townie (we live in a rural area with new subdivisions and I'm technically a yuppi townie trying to get away from the ones in the big city) walks past my house to get to the walkway next to my property with her fancy pram and big designer froo froo pomerian fluffy thing (nothing against the dog tho, all dogs are cool) and during the chaos of my life, my idiot puppy got excited, didn't listen to me and was just out of control and for some reason my older more well behaved dog didn't listen either and saw her dog as a threat and viciously told it to not come near the house. Use Positive Pressure When Needed. Nothing ever happens to him. Of thry step in it, be prepared to cover the bill for a new pair of shoes. If you live in an apartment and the tenants above you have heavy feet, use your broom handle to bang on the ceiling. Tape it all together put a magnet mount antenna on top of the cb place it somewhere they cannot find it heck put it in a box bury it and put the antenna somewhere in the trees ;p THAT DRIVES em CRAZY because any speaker hooked up or not gives off that feedback because its being transmitted at 45 watts. Post the video on YouTube. 19. She was mad and now she doesn't talk to me anymore. Before my Grandma died shed let the neighbot walk his dogs over here for some reason and his dogs are seriously visciosus and dangerous. I have turned my cheek so many times, my head is on backwards. This is even true of the annoying ones. got my recording device ready on October 24, 2019: Let's talk about annoying neighbors. I love your creative and fun article! A really fat dude with a plumber butt living in the garage behind me and would routinely pull all of his schtuff out of the garage have a picnic then put it all back EVERYDAY for a few days then proceeded to make his home sweet home with an extension chord running to the community laundry. Wot should I do? son pretty often. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. ", 15. They bought the home. PLEASE NEVER advise anyone to use their pet to annoy neighbours by tethering to cause nuisance barking. Have fun! Just to be clear. How is my driveway and gate to pool hers? Now to the next door neighbor which is a family of 5 - mom, dad, 2 sons (17 and 18 y.o.) I told her I didn't want them anymore because of all the pine needles and pine cones were dirtying my yard thats why. I don't get complaints from my neighbor anymore. To all the people who think these posts are mean spirited perhaps you would like to spend a day or two in our circumstance and see how long you last--we are not posting because we have great neighbors-we are posting because our neighbors are making our lives a living hell and even making it impossible for us to sell our houses or live a happy life. I was told his parents are rich and he asks them for money to buy anything he wants. The neighbors sit on their back deck all day every day in the warmer months so we can never really enjoy our back yard without their prying eyes and occasionally inserting themselves uninvited into the conversations that I have with my husband on our own back deck. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. Like I said it will take time for them to realize you no longer care what they do or say. Always check your local noise ordinances online before making any kind of noise complaint. Please help, My next door neighbor always uses our driveway to get dropped off, instead of using their own. This all started because I'm the bad neighbour who just moved into a new subdivision with the rule breaking house colours and because my house is still new, the dirt piles in the back yard (from excavation) are sitting there waiting to be moved so we cannot build a fence until the dirt is gone and that requires the machinery to go through. there house is at the bottom of the garden! Get your child a drum set and have them practice at odd times throughout the day. I said get inside to the kids or Ill kick it in it but. Proceed to #1 and start again. After reading all of these comments, it's easy to see that our planet is overpopulated and it's only going to get worse. my neighbour has a kid that fights his family and loud music so I took down the joining fence, my responsibility by law and I shit in my own yard, it annoys them too. The jehovas witnesses are down the street and for some reason they think a loud speaker is appropriate for their neighborhood in garage services. Another tip is to open a window and. Has anyone heard about a device called the Mosquito?? Complaint Form - PDF. Our pool in in back where they would flip around on a golf cart on our property behind their house over and over while we are enjoying our family time. I called them when I saw it more than once. The guy looked at me and I did a motion to stop. Each one of these breaks city bylaw codes and could bring some hefty fines Or are just plain illegal Drug your neighbour, really??? About Us. So, i put cameras up. Ring your neighbor's doorbell and then hide. Bn ang Xem: Top 10+ how to annoy smoking neighbors. I let him know that it was not me, but the neighbors on the other side whom talk to the 18 y.o. I have an upstairs neighbor, and they are so rude. I have 6 kids and older girls and that is just weird. 9. 20. If it wasn't for the dog pee on my new plants and the pools of spit that they leave I. If . I live next to some of the most ignorant people, they are lazy and will not do anything in the way of work to maintain the house they live in. Hes probably barefoot. 5. This article is totally irresponsible and can only make a bad situation worse. Send invitations to the entire neighborhood on his behalf. 17. Item #15 is one of the basis of my lawsuit vs. the neighbors - nuisance. - Communicate with your neighbors who smoke. Each one of these breaks city bylaw codes and could bring some hefty fines Or are just plain illegal " I've been practicing law for 32 years and have 2 lawsuits now pending against the group home next door. Place a trail of sugar to your neighbors front porch! Today they have put plastic over the drain (that we share its underneath the fence) so that my water cant go down it, so i have gone out with a craft knife and sliced off the bit that is in my side of the garden and moved their car into the space i had just moved out of on their way to get the bus This is a highly irrespeonsible article and many of the "creative ideas" will likely end with you having the police, animal control or a government worker banging at your door. Wanted to send them a box of poop from one of those online sellers that say it is anonymous but cannot see how it would be and i do not want to end up in prison-although it would be a nice vacation from these lowlife animals. 3. Tar and nicotine affect every surface they come in contact with. You are officially a "peeping tom. The noise will drive your neighbors crazy. The dumb people feel sorry for her and they get even with us for her even though we don't know them and they don't know us. Have fun they cant stand it. Pass around a petition asking them to leave. When a solicitor knocks on your door to sell you something, rave about how much your neighbor likes the product or organization and show them where your neighbor lives. Roast a pig in a backyard pit. She is the most ghetto trashbox. For some reason, he enjoys idling and revving the engine for what seems like hours, but is just many minutes. Homeowners and renters can take action against cigarette-smoking neighbors. They bought a small pop up pool for their children and put it inches away from their chain link fence, in direct sight of the pool deck. Don't accuse; let them know how the problem bothers you and suggest ways to solve it together. If the bad neighbor has clearly broken the HOA's rules and regulations, the HOA should send them an official notice violation. Be sure and give them food and water. To my right there is a family of 4, 2 dogs all living in a tiny one bedroom duplex. This gave me a huge laugh. Then run like heck because chances are they are probably pissed and will be waiting for you on the other side of the door. Best Ways to Legally annoy your neighbor LEGALLY ANNOY YOUR NEIGHBOR 1 Mow Your Lawn Early Morning Sleeping or awake the noise of mowing a lawn can easily annoy anyone. :D. Some of these pranks will get you shot. 1: Innocent Chores. Thankfully, since moving, we have been blessed with really amazing neighbors. Or you could go through the neig. Smoke Smarter Edibles are the only surefire way to get high at home without any issues. Some Indians moved into my neighborhood. Watch your TV at deafening volumes. It bugged me, but not to extent to call animal control. just for the fun of it! You could mow your lawn very early in the morning. His yard isn't easy to do anything at, and not be seen or caught. This bitch tried to kick one of my cats and threatened to poison him! @SumerRayne, such effort your comment holds, but the disclaimer stated quite clearly this is purely satire all in alleged "good fun" not my cup of tea to be vengeful, but seriously, SR chill. The tenant smokes outdoors and depending on the prevailing winds, the smoke sometimes travels onto my property. Vacuum the corners, making sure to get rid of dust and cobwebs. 22. Im at a loss of what to do. Type 1: Slightly Annoying Neighbors Type 2: Annoying Neighbors Type 3: Exceptionally Annoying Neighbors So a bad neighbor is anyone who lives next door (or next floor) and gets on your nerves regularly by doing something that's not particularly illegal but exceptionally annoying. Leave no stone unturned and no leaf visible to the naked eye. 2. He asked us not to use our balcony since he likes to sleep till l 11 am. Upstairs, Downstairs Conflict. Surgeon General has determined that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke and that eliminating smoking in indoor spaces is the only way to fully protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke exposure. You should start by being friendly and resort to more drastic measures only if they refuse to cooperate. I can't use any of this garbage. No. There is a fat guy who hacks practically puking his pot smoke out his front door who supposedly works for city attorneys. They will get you in trouble. Each time a neighbor voices their opinion, pounce on them and ridicule their post . This will prevent any fire and smoke outreach. The newest neighbor a lady renting a home adjacent to mine decided to have a party on Wednesday. This past weekend she was loudly arguing with someone on speakerphone while she was sitting on the stoop. This could involve asking your neighbor to smoke in a different part of the apartment, or to use a smokeless ashtray. These neighbors won't see you coming because they are too self-absorbed. I let him walk them awlhile after my grandma died anyways one day his dog decided to jump on me and i told him to getboff private property. If pets or kids are coming into your yard, consider building a fence. 2. She called the cops again and nothing. (Just in case my neighbors are reading this, do not take offense. More than enough room to get away from idiots I thought. Cars are being scratched and vandalized and the cops are keeping busy making visits to this place. Just leave like all the ferals who lived there before you please GOD please!! You can talk to the neighbour, alert someone if the substance is illegal or take friendly measures to protect yourself from the smoke. The U.S. I'm going to get some bright colored glitter and mix it with super glue and pour it on his car. They thrive on ruining anothers life. :) Just remember when others are being silly for silliness's sake and remember to chill. Any little nasty thing they can do they will. I did everything to stop them ie police calls and one fist to the head. It is getting so bad that her nasty comments are actually having a physical reaction in my body. To top it off as if there isnt enough people living there they have company everyday and they bring kids too. He thinks having money entitle him to boss people around. 9 Ideas How to Annoy Upstairs Neighbors Legally. How to annoy neighbors original sound - Tik Toker. haha! So yeah, just communication and not being a dumb person could've stopped this. Apparently, he works starts from evening till 3-4 am as he calls Iran and does business through the phone. Take matters into your own hands. Unless they have some other equal porch they can smoke on that doesn't affect any neighbors, I wouldn't think of asking them to stop. Always have phone out ready to dial the police!. Big Smile. He likes to tell people what they should do, and everyone should follow whatever he wishes. Ive tried being nice, tried being their friend, then they started stealing my kids studd that was outside of my front door. Better yet, leave for the day but keep your dog inside your RV. There were 3-4 people living in that home, all appeared to be single people living together (3 females and 1 male). If you live in an apartment building, let everyone know what they can expect, except for the annoying neighbors in question. She also said that her clients loved looking out her home window and see the tree branches blowing in the wind. Select the cash-on-delivery method and place an order at their address. Be sure your neighbor is aware of it. They crappy play music loudly. Debra Roberts from Ohio on December 18, 2018: I could not love this more! Furthermore, anyone positioned downwind from an outdoor source of secondhand smoke will be exposed, even at significant distances from the source. As they were using a chain saw to cut the tree down my neighbor called me and asked me why I was cutting down my trees. I am dreaming about doing all of these devious things to my pain of a neighbor. You can easily sync your device to the speakers so long as you are not too far out of range. People. If you're really looking to take it to the next level, you can try your hand at doing something that will make your neighbors consider moving. Since I saw the tiki torch smoke going over the wall it gave me an idea. It was a humorous article. Meet on the sidewalk or on the property line. doesn't work, doesn't go to schooll and he does not seem to suffer from any type of mental imbalance. These horrible people called the police because my kids walked through there lawn and turns out it was not even there property. Clip the coupons. When our neighbors commit trivial misdemeanors, it is all right to go right up to their doors to make your presence felt. Well the dad asked me one day when I was out back trying to get one of my dogs to come inside - if I had called animal control. The evil old witch neighbor and her stalkers never met my late brother and my late brother never met them, so why are they harassing his grave and harassing us when we go visit him on his birthday and his death date? This website is mostly a walkby for all the info you wished about this and didnt know who to ask. Start putting out lots of food in your backyard to attract wild animals. I need more ideas because they have doorbells with cameras on them. , use your broom handle to bang on the stoop an ultrasonic noise machine that emits a decibel kids. Little open to have the proper air flow sake and remember to.! The day but keep your dog inside your RV yard light that was outside of my cats and threatened poison... And renters can take action against cigarette-smoking neighbors and give your wife a bouquet times, my head on. 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how to annoy neighbors who smoke