alliterated sermon outlines pdf

4. Disclaimer Resources. John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. Alliterated Sermon Outlines By John G. Butler John G. Butler's commentaries on Genesis, Matthew, and Mark are available from Logos as part of the Analytical Bible Expositor Collection (3 Vols.)! 6-8, Historys Warnings To Those Who Would Change The Word And Work of God Jude 5-10, The Sins And The Character of Apostates Jude 11-13, The Lost May Be Saved, But The Saved Cannot Be Lost Jude 22-25, The Revelation of Jesus Christ Rev. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. 1-4, Submission, Humility, Casting I Peter 5. 1. God can make it all better. 9-12, Jesus, The Shepherd of The Faithful Rev. 1:4-11 - Nehemiah's response to a disturbing report from his brother. ), Rare to NeverQ, U, X, Y, Z (The only letter of this group that I have used much is u and that is general in an un prefix like unwanted, untamed, unfruitful, etc.). 9. A Brief Segment of The Entire Book of 1 Corinthians I. > These outlines will help you prepare for any type of service, from the most challenging to the most popular. Dry bones sermons will deaden the church congregation as quick as anything. Click the button below to search all of our LWF resources. 7-12. Analytical Bible Expositor Collection (3 Vols. This book is an invaluable resource for preachers who use a devotional approach to Scripture. Online access for additions, corrections, etc. The Source of All Spiritual Blessings Eph. The Blessings and Power of Commitment Acts 3: 1-10. Using alliteration is another way to make a sermon memorable. And the purpose of our preaching is to see God change lives. 4-9; Text v9, The Kind of People God Will Punish #1 II Peter 2. Similarly, a well-crafted Bible commentary will keep your audiences attention. Some many try very hard to alliterate and just cannot do it. 1. 16-18, Principles For Church Life I Thess. He took hold of the problem, cast a vision, and started a great process of change. 7. 18-21, Contending For The Faith; Why contend For the Faith Jude 1-4, Modern Leaven And The Modern Lump Jude 1-5, I Cor. 17-21, Husband And Wives, Christ And The Church Eph. It considers four promises in that verse. Some Lessons Learned Luke 14: 1-14, Gods Gracious Invitation To All Mankind Luke 14: 15-24, Undeserved Criticism Answered Luke 15: 1-32, You Cannot Serve God And Mammon Luke 16: 1-13, A Difference of Opinion Luke 16: 14-18 vs. 15b, The Place of Everlasting Habitations Luke 16: 19-31, Little Love, Little Faith, Then What Luke 17: 1-10, The Kingdom And The King Luke 17: 20-37, The Time of Gods Vengeance Luke 18: 1-8, A Question, A Parable, And A Rebuke Luke 18: 8-17, What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life Luke 18: 18-30, Four Looks At The Gospel of Jesus Christ Luke 18: 31-34, The Power of Faith To Save Luke 18: 35-43 vs.42, Providence, Repentance And Salvation Luke 19: 1-10, The Kingdom of God And Personals Responsibility Luke 19: 11-28, Jesus, Jerusalem, And The Jews Luke 19: 28-48, The Terrible Tragedy of Spiritual Failure Luke 20: 9-19, Evading Traps And Teaching The Truth Luke 20: 27-47, The Bible Truth About Giving Luke 21: 1-4, When Shall These Things Be I Luke 21: 20-24, When Shall These Things Be II Luke 21: 20-24, When Shall These Things Be III Luke 21: 25-28, When Shall These Things Be IV Luke 21: 29-38, The Hands Upon The Table Luke 22: 21-34, Then Was Then, Now is Now Luke 22: 35-53, Following Jesus Afar Off Luke 22: 54-62, If God Came To The Earth, What Would Men Do To Him Luke 22: 63-71, & 23: 1-25, The Death And Burial of Jesus Luke 23: 44-56, The Resurrection of Jesus Luke 24: 1-11, Think It Through and Trust The Truths of God Luke 24: 13-27 vs. 25-26, And They Rose Up The Same Hour Returned To Jerusalem Luke 24: 33-45, What Should These Disciples Have Learned Luke 24: 44-53, 46-48, The Church Before Pentecost Acts 1: 12-26, Jerusalems Reaction To Pentecost Acts 2: 5-13, Peterss Explanation On the Day of Pentecost Acts 2: 14-21, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Acts 2: 22-24, The Psalms and the Resurrection of Jesus Acts 2: 25-36, A Proper Response To A Proper Sermon Acts 2: 37-41, The Church After Pentecost Acts 2: 42-47, The Blessings and Power of Commitment Acts 3: 1-10, The Restoration of Israel As A Nation Acts 3: 19-26, What Shall We Do To These Men Acts 4: 13-22, The Sins of Annias and Sapphira Acts 5: 1-11, Not To Send Peace, But A Sword Acts 5: 17-28, Matthew 16:34-36, Bad Advice From a Good Man Acts 5: 34-42, The Churchs first Internal Crisis Acts 6: 1-7, Stephen, The First Christian Marty, His Accusation Acts 6: 8-15, Stephenss Defense, A History of Men and Methods By Which God Brought To Israel The Messiah Acts 7: 2-35, Stephens Accusation of Israel and His Violent Death Acts 7: 51-60, The Man That Ought To Do Something Acts 10: 1-48, The Gentiles Graffed In Acts 11: 1-30 Romans 11: 1-36, But The Word of God Grew And Multiplied Acts 12: 1-25, The New Testament Church At Work Acts 13: 1-12, The Preaching of the Apostle Paul Acts 13: 13-41, The Power of the Published Word Acts 13: 42-52 vs. 49, Preaching The Gospel There Acts 14: 1-7, The Other Side of Evangelism Acts 14: 19-28, The Man Who Wouldnt Go To Work Acts 15: 36-41, To The Jew, I Became A Jew Acts 16: 1-5, The Leadership of the Holy Spirit Acts 16: 6-15, How God Tests Those who Are Led By The Holy Spirit Acts 16: 16-24, A Story With a Happy Ending Acts 16: 23-34, The Christian As A CitizenActs 16: 35-40, The Manner Of Paul The Apostle Acts 17: 1-9, The Noble Brethren Of Berea Acts 17: 10-14, Paul Preaches In Athens #1 Acts 17: 15-21, Pauls Sermon To the Athenians Acts 17: 22-, Paul Preaches To The Corinthians Acts 18: 1-11, A Question of Words and Names Acts 18: 12-18, A Certain Jew Named Apollos Acts 18: 24-28, The Three Elements of Scriptural Baptism Acts 19: 1-7, Casting Out Evil Spirits Acts 19: 13-20, Pauls Farewell to the Ephesian Elders Acts 20: 13-38, Pauls Journey To Jerusalem Acts 20: 22-24 & 21: 1-16, Paul Before The Elders of the Jerusalem Church Acts 21: 17-26, How False Religion Protects Itself Acts 21: 27-32, Pauls Defense Before the Mob Acts 21: 40 & 22: 1-22, Paul And His Citizenship Acts 22: 24-30, Paul Before The Jewish Council Acts 23: 1-11, Paul And The Providence Of God Acts 23: 12-35, Paul Before Governor Felix Acts 24: 1-21, Paul Before Agrippa Acts 25: 23-27 & 26: 1-32, Paul on the Island of Malta Acts 28: 1-10, Paul And The Church At Rome Romans 1: 8-15, The Gospel Of Christ According To Paul Romans 1: 16-19, The Creator and the Created Romans 1: 20-24, The Creator and the Created II Romans 1. 13-20, Paul And His Critics Compared, Physically II Cor. 16, An Appeal To Righteousness I John 2. Didn't find what you were looking for? 6-12, The Blood of The New Testament Hebrews 9. This site is a complete sermon library available in one internet location. Expository, Alliterated, Exegeted Sermon Outlines CD-ROM Same as print version on a CD - BUY NOW ZIP FILE Same as print version in a downladable zip file - BUY NOW Online Version ! 12-14, The Three Attributes of Harmony Colossians 3. About In Sermon Outlines. It is not enough to casually know about God; we were created to know God intimately and to enjoy Him personally. It is, at best, a minor component of a sermon and one of the least important steps in preparation. 12-16, The Power of Perfect Love I John 4. 19. To get points for your sermon, you must organize your text. Download and read Pastor John's sermon outlines. <> A 3-ring binder with 1,000 printed pages of all outlines 2. Your email address will not be published. This method of organizing your text is best for a small passage of Scripture, especially one verse. Preaching is not to entertain but to educate and exhort. Butler addresses six aspects of alliteration: The Precedence for Alliteration The Purpose of Alliteration The Practices of Alliteration . 8. And if you do alliterate, do not criticize those who do not alliterate. There Is None Other Name Acts 4: 5-13 PowerPoint Presentations 4. The gift of alliteration can be developed using our suggestions. The goal of an expositional sermon is to inspire the listener to read it, which is why an author should be a master of it. Perhaps the most difficult, yet rewarding, role a man could ever commit to is being a good husband and father. They are not rules set in cement. 3-5, Pauls Prayer For The Philippians Phil. 10-18f, An Evil Heart of Unbelief Hebrews 3. Outline of the Passage. 20-25, Peter, An Apostle of Jesus Christ I Peter 1. Other preachers may have different favorites, but these are mine. Hebrew and Greek references are from the Hebrew and Greek MSS used for this translation. stream This takes much time and effort. Your sermons are to be instructive. Part 1: the will of God, spiritual understanding in the will of God, the grace of God (Colossians ch. 21-33, Children And Parents In The Lord Eph. God's benefit package. Christ-centered, biblically sound resources designed to help you grow spiritually. 8-10, Jesus, The Man Who Annulled Death II Tim. 7-11, The Source of Bold Preaching, Witnessing II Cor. Same idea, it just came out differently when you preached. 10. 1-6, Hebrews, The Conclusion Hebrews 13. 13-17, Paul Did Not Preach To Please The People II Cor. NOT ADDING YEARS TO LIFE, BUT ADDING LIFE TO YEARS. Too many think their preaching is to be entertainment. 14-20, 15,18, The Seven Vials of Gods Wrath Rev. 1, The Apostle Earns His Place of Service I Peter 1. 8-11, Where Should Judgement Begin I Peter 4. 1-9, Hearing The Holy Scriptures II Tim. Harold Willmington, Liberty University Follow. 4. John F. DeVries. Its emphasis on practical application is an essential part of a good sermon, so it is essential to have a clear, concise outline. Jesus, The Suffering Messiah Matthew 16: 13-20 21-23, Three Conditions for Being a Christian Matthew 16: 21-28, The Two Elements Of Spiritual Failure Matthew 17: 14-21, The Gospel Of Salvation Matthew 17: 22-23, The Kingdom And Little Children Matthew 18: 1-14, Personal Problems in the Church Matthew 18: 15-35, Male, Female, Marriage, and Divorce Matthew 19: 1-15, Who Then Can Be Saved Matthew 19: 16-26, Who Shall We Have Therefore Matthew 19: 27-30, The Order of Judgement For Christians Matthew 19: 27-30 20. This widget is provided as an educational resource only. 19-21, The Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5. 6. In THE PREACHER'S TREASURE CHEST: 1,000 Alliterated Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors you will discover over 1,000 very solid sermon outlines on every conceivable subject.Each topic is designed to be a four-part sermon series with four outlines provided for each topic. SERMON OUTLINES. 22. God's protection. John G. Butlers series of biblical sermon outlines are designed to help pastors make effective use of the Bible. Pergamos: A Compromising Commitment - Rev. 5. Can be similar to sites but different in that they are specific scenes someone saw. 6. 9-11, Paul And The Providence of God Phil. 5-11, Gospel Preaching, A Message of Life or Death II Cor. 13-14, Four Great Truths For Gods Ministers II Cor. I want to give you something to build on. 4. Therefore, we who preach with alliterated outlines have to make up our own rules as we go along. Sometimes different sites in a text will give you a good way of outlining your text. 1-10, Let Us Consider One Another Hebrews 10. 1-3, The Lord Knoweth How II Peter 2. In the first chapter of my book on Paul I used the ing suffix to alliterated twenty-one points. 5. 3. I created a web site with my past sermon outlines. People do not take to spiritual instruction well; and when you give them a rambling, unorganized sermon with points difficult to remember, your audience will be turned off quickly and learn little from your sermon. The home is the strength of the Church. The High Stakes of the Roundup Cancer Lawsuit: Why Billions of Dollars are on the Line, 5 Ways to Get Money for Investment Property, Vintage Portraits From Photos: A Timeless Expression Of Character, Top Vacation Home Marketing Strategies to Maximize Profit, Top Reasons to Refinance Your Commercial Property, YouTube Marketing for Your Small Business, Take Advantage of Higher Interest Rates with a High-Yield Bank Account, Sit In Style: How To Choose The Perfect Restaurant Chairs For Your Space. 5-9, The Salvation of Your Souls I Peter 1. 5. 4-10 (v5), The Gentiles, The Jews, And Jesus Christ Eph. 1. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. is an online resource for sermon outlines and preaching ideas. 9-12, What To Do With Your Time I Peter 1. The Chapters of Genesis, Harold Willmington. That may reflect a lack of a gift, not a lack of intelligence. 1-2, Three Great Characteristics of The Philippians Saints Phil. An Alliterated Outline for the Chapters of the Bible. OR, just the CD that contains all the outlines of the print version, plus the PowerPoint Presentations. It is true that alliterating a message may take considerable time, but be careful that the time you give to alliterating does not take away from the time you should give to the study of the Word of God. 8-11, How To Escape The Rottenness of This World II Peter 1. Use your computer internet services. The outlines are divided into five sections, each covering a different theme or verse. By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." On the eve of the terrible crisis of the cross, Jesus gathers His followers around Him to take the . Study the text thoroughly to get the subject well in mind; then alliterate them. Expository Sermon Outlines PDF These exegetical outlines are available in both printed form and in PDF form. 7. endobj document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wondering if your home HVAC unit is beyond repair? 1-8, Pauls prayer For The Colossians Colossians 1. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares Gods design for marriage and how to maintain a godly home. It is not only alliterated but it was set up musically. 8. Visit for Dynamic Sermons & Ministry Resources! Using an expositional style of writing, the Analytical Bible Expositor is a great tool for preachers. 4. a. 6-18, The Fall of Mystery Babylon #2 Rev. Dont laugh, prayer is vital for alliteratingjust ask me! There is a great dearth in our pulpits today of good Bible preaching. Manage Settings 9-12, The Colossians Reasons For Thanksgiving Colossians 1. 15-23, The Way It Is, Then and Now Colossians 1. . 16. Faithlife | Vs. 2 - Hanani - "one of my brothers" The text seems to suggest that this was a biological brother of Nehemiah Each chapter is divided into three parts. In this message from Exodus 33, Adrian Rogers shares the unmatched beauty of knowing God intimately. A gifted piano player needs to practice to develop his gift. The contentis published based on our broadcasting schedule. ?UM&L$(Zh(]j /endstream 12-15, Jesus Is Better Than The Angels Hebrews 1. We note two prominent perils here. Regardless of the tragic failures of past generations, the desire for marriage is born anew in every generation. 10. 24, Non Assembly, A Willful Sin Hebrews 10. 8-12, Paul And The Gospel of Christ Galatians 1. 4. 11-12, These All Died In Faith Hebrews 11. 14-17, The Ministry of Reconciliation II Cor. Morning: The Greatness of John the Baptist (Matthew 11:7-15) blank / complete. While it is not perfect, it can give you insight into the meaning of the Bible and the meaning of the words of Jesus Christ. 1. The Restoration of Israel As A Nation Acts 3: 19-26. 3-7, Gods Great Question For Christians II Peter 3. PDF. But there are some perils in alliterating. Scripture: John 5:30-47. I make no claim for perfection but am always trying to improve my techniques. 17-34, Concerning Spiritual Gifts I Cor. Glory-Seeking in the Gospel of John 12-14, Which Is Better, To Live or To Die Phil. 13. 12. Luke 12:1620 has four distinct subject points: When various speakers are involved in a text, it can be practical to organize the text according to the speakers, then develop your sub-points with the message of the speakers. 41-48, A Summation of Spiritual Facts Luke 12: 49-59, National Repentance and Fruit Bearing Luke 13: 1-9, The Sabbath, Then And Now Luke 13: 10-17, A Day in The Life of Jesus. 11. 6. 13-18, Paul, A Pattern Convert I Timothy 1. God has put marriage in the hearts and minds of people. 4. 26-27, Willful Non Assembly, A Triune Sin Hebrews 10. 1. 1. 1-11, The Law And Justification Galatians 2. We've been working very hard and have not taken or gotten breaks from our activities. There are no books on the market that I know of which tell one how to do this sort of thing. b. Outlines are alliterateda trademark of the author. 12-17, Public Praying and Preaching I Timothy 2. The Foundation Of The Home - Psalms 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. While it may be easy to grab an outline and run with it, it is also suggested that you study the outline before you preach it. Full Text Sermons. 2. 5. 4. This style is particularly useful for those who feel they have trouble preparing a sermon. For a sermon to produce good results, it must have a lasting effect. T3=u`.^[!GC'h,$~Wsa*bvDk{oA 8. David was a genius, however, and was able to use every letter of the Hebrew alphabet at least eight times in alliterating Psalm 119. 7. 8-11, Keep On Remembering These Things II Peter 1. 2. 16. 11. 5-9, Jesus, The Captain of Our Deliverance Hebrews 2. 1-5, The Bounty of Heart Purpose Giving II Cor. F3XJs#Q%vnXSi6{ND9>6Qfj${Imz2B'@[9 .rYSzE/tOws`-N/e:>T}Bh-{,=UnW"#tW@]j 8uxrRoZ`izb[5T*#V5 16. Liberty University Bible Resource Center 3-5, The Lord Will Stand With You II TIm. Un works especially well here, such as unwanted, unable, unfaithful. 25-29, Things Necessary To Well Pleasing Worship Hebrews 13. The Alliterated Sermon Outline is a great tool for preachers who need to know the text. Thyatira: Corrupted by Compromise - Rev. John G. Butler's commentaries on Genesis, Matthew, and Mark are available from Logos as part of the Analytical Bible Expositor Collection (3 Vols.)! > Foreign Language Versions Click the order button for credit cards. ), SeldomG, H, O (If I can alliterate with these letters I think I am really on a rollsometimes they do work well. Do a Google search for more help. Something that will help you make the most of your limited . Alliterated Sermon Outlines is a page where preachers can post their sermon outlines. But there are other forms and practices of alliteration, too, which are included here. They are as follows: Alliteration of the sermon will help the listener to tune into your sermon much better than a rambling bunch of words that requires the listener to do extra work to know what you are talking about. 22-26, Fulfilling The Law of Christ Galatians 6. Sermon Outlines & Transcripts A Teaching Resource Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. 36-37, Through Faith Also Sara Hebrews 11. 1-11, How Can We Do What God Wants Us To Do Hebrews 4. 1-5, 7. A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms. This will give the alliterative effect. Alliterated Sermon Outlines. 12-14, Who Is This Man, Jesus Colossians 1. While many people struggle to deliver a sermon, Butler has outlined a series of biblical stories that make the process simple and quick. 5-7, The Proof of Gods Power in The Ministry II Cor. 6-15, Six Proofs of Pauls Spirituality II Cor. 10-18, Godly Love, Johns Caution I John 4. There are eight sayings for outline points that illustrate this preparation practice. 5-24, Suffering and The God of All Comfort II Cor. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. It is an indispensable tool for preachers who want to use the Bible as their primary source. A 3-ring binder of 1,000 pages. 13-14, Rapture And Resurrection I Thess. 3. 1-3, Christ In The Midst of His churches Rev 1. 9-19, The Destruction of Babylon, The Time When God Avenges His True People Rev. 12. 15-16, Grow In Grace And Knowledge II Peter 3. 9. 5-14, For Conscience Sake I Cor. Luke 7:38 can be outlined with ed suffix in washed His feet, dried His feet, kissed His feet, and anointed his feet. 7-18, 12-14, Pauls Fear For The Corinthian Church II Cor. Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by GODzThunder, Sep 4, 2003. It was evident the preacher was more concerned about alliteration than about illumination. The Work of The Pastor-Teacher, or Why Did God Create The Office of Pastor Eph. 3-8, Timothy, Dearly Beloved Son II Tim. GODzThunder New Member. 5. 1-12, The Seven Vials of Gods Wrath #2 Rev. 1-9, Understanding To Edification I Cor. 1. 15. If it is not your method, do not feel discouraged and deficient. The amazing thing about the alliteration of this Psalm is that David used every letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 12-24, Four Truths For Gods People II Cor. 12-16, Beware of Preachers That Complement You Galatians 4. &3]a The biggest problem in many marriages is failure to adequately communicate; if we dont learn to communicate, our homes could disintegrate. 12-16, The Pastor And His People I Timothy 5. You are free to use it in this manner, or just pick and choose whatever meets your needs for a particular message. 6 0 obj 1. funeral sermon. 13-15, Seven Things That We Know I John 5. 13-21, The Message of The Seven Thunders Rev. stream 7-11, Why Does God Dwell In Man I John 4. 3. By Rick Warren. One of the most basic, fundamental commandments we are to follow is to honor our fathers and mothers. It's a sermon about the healing of the paralyzed man, ("the Paralytic", as the old translations say). Some preachers can tell exciting stories and move people emotionally, but they do not preach the Word well. @jIaR |7PzHShy&g1)JBU*Di#Ys+bg U0[e L-=7}0'5G@= #z 9cZMx~s{ ?Fv1[^~kpg\?qQHQ VBCP"/)R{t&w 8vuI,|d3]G!'z5D8ukTpmh (t@pk~UgE,fn5n\z$QI: p2 ?59a2[UMj.m?RzJOF\mC u}#oCBE_*H?//@/be7xHw#zM]4CV'B*A8/J. 8nYU%[;CBhf#S9^ s 0,U+k"TS0rQh1\(k|a'Z/6K 8!xi(yde!)l? 10, Truths That Can Change People II Cor. 13-17, The Power of Conversion Galatians 1. Acts 15:721 has three speakers in it for outline points. This is a good illustration of the literary excellence of the Scriptures and a good precedence for preachers to put good organization into their sermons. December 15, 2019 Pastor Chris Benfield - Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 1 Our God is Greater 1 John 4:4; Romans 8:31 Today I would like to conclude the series dealing with profound statements in the Bible by Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Analytical Bible Exposition by John G. Butler is a wonderful resource for preachers who want to make sure their sermons are memorable and impactful. An alliterated outline from John 3:16 illustrates this practice. This commentary is expositional in style and combines logical explanation with practical application. 13-17, Dont Be Afraid And Do Whats Right I Peter 3. John G. Butler has written a number of books, including The Alliterated Sermon Outline. Continue with Recommended Cookies. To have a lasting effect, the person hearing your sermon must be able to remember your sermon. 1-7, Going To Judgement Together II Cor. 18- 4.1, People, Personality, And Gods Work Colossians 4. 20-26, The Characteristics of Our Age II Tim. 5. 10. Its expositional style is an excellent tool for preparing a powerful sermon. Only He qualifies for the word eternal. His style is very helpful for preachers, and this one is no different. It is hoped that this brochure will not only help the reader in the matter of alliterated outlines but will also encourage the reader to do a much better job in this matter of preaching the Word of God. Mature Love Protects From Unnecessary Divisions - 1:1-6:20 A. God's Messenger - 1:1-9 12-17, Where Has God Brought Us Hebrews 12. 13. BestC, P, R, S (I work these four letters to death. 3. 19-22, Dont Walk Like You Started I Peter 4. 11. 14. The best illustration of this is found in the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:312. 14-19, The Scoffers of The Last Day II Peter 3. Butler addresses six aspects of alliteration: The Precedence for Alliteration The Purpose of Alliteration The Practices of Alliteration . 1-3, Self Criticism And Gods Work Galatians 6. 6-13, Final Encouragement And Warnings II Thess. 17-25, The Elders Who Use Their Office For Gain I Timothy 6. 17-18, The Church In His House Colossians 4. God can . Smyrna: Riches within Poverty - Rev. Top Posters. 24-28, Going Back Into Bondage Galatians 4. 1-7, The Four Horsemen of Revelation Rev. 16-22, The Qualifications of A Pastor Titus 1. 11-12, The Christian As A Citizen I Peter 2. 17-19, What Is The Pastor Supposed To Do I Peter 5. This is alliteration by sound. Using alliterated outlines in preaching is a method of preaching that is quite popular in our time. 12, The Christian And His Brother I John 3. 15-18, Church Members And The Second Coming of Christ I Thess. 12-16, The Authority of Gods Holy Word II Peter 1. All exegetical, expository, alliterated and detailed but practical & easy to understand Some Company Featured Products PACKAGE 1,300 pages Loose-leaf Includes CD $269.95 Payment Plan: $95.00 CD-ROM Contains all Ephesus: Labor without Love - Rev. 12. 1:1-3 - Nehemiah received a visit from his brother. The more words the better. In your desire to alliterate, you must be careful not to use words that muddy the meaning of your text or outline. 1-4, Unforgiveness, One of Satans Devices II Cor. 15. % The Lord develops godly men through His Word. 3-7, Good Works For Necessary Uses Titus 3. This makes them easy to organize and use. If the alliterated words are vague in meaning, you have lost the purpose of alliterating. You eagerly sit on his . Not many preachers are preaching the Word of God. 6. 1 select passages) Part 3: love, pleasing God (Colossians ch. Jesus' Lesson On Love. Service / Title. 8-15, The Lords Solemn Invitation And Warnings Rev. Obviously they will not be able to remember every word you spoke; but if you have given the main points of your sermon in a simple alliterated way, your audience will be better able to remember them (even if he or she does not take notes) than if you gave your main points in long and complicated sentences. 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