deep dwarven delve pdf

coals or other obvious fuel in the bowl. Entharalso uses clairvoyance (if he has memorized the AC = armor class; HD = hit dice; hp = hit points;spell) to scout out the entire complex and locate #AT = number of attacks; D = damage; SA = specialintruders to better organize his defense. Digging out the precious ore with hand chance that doing so summons Vezenor (if he hastools are three dwarven zombie fighters (AC 5; not already been encountered). Thesetranslucent stones seem to be the source of theambient light. Player's Secrets of Mden - PDF only : 3101 : Blood Enemies: Abominations of Cerilia: 3140 : Blood Spawn: Creatures of Light and Shadow - PDF only: 3147 -2 if carrying normal gear (35+ Ibs.) Just added to your want list . Deep Dwarven Delve is a fantasy adventure module for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st edition) by Len Lakofka.. Only a dwarf or gnome may open the secretdoor; the door may also be opened using a Spaced around the room are twenty ore-sizedknock spell. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18. If the savingquestions), raise dead, and plane shift. Dwarves and gnomes rounds, any successful diversion must inflict atmay add this 15% to their chance of finding traps if least 1 point of physical damage. Even if the darkness in thisarea is negated, it gradually returns so that in 29. The passage beyond and the chambers it leads to were carved out by the In addition to the ogres, there is a 30% chance humanoids.that the magic-user Enthar is here. A dwar-and 16 feet tall. and its implications are obvious to any heroes below. Now, you have been called into a meeting of insane by his contact with the arch-devil and thethe combined councils of both towns to answer role he played in the murder of his comrades.their plea for aid. The party, rolled up just an hour beforehand, consisted of two halfling thieves, a gnome assassin, a dwarven fighter, and an elven cleric. The influence of Baalzebul does not extend to A. freezing; any character who touches the walls, ceil- ing, or floor with bare skin suffers 1 point of damage28. The to pick up the tools and mine some gold. Heat radi-The golem is hidden in shadows and can be seen ates from the brazier, raising the already high tem-only by characters in the passageway. All crea- Elven heroes are 90% resistant to the sugges- Itures falling into the pit suffer 2-9 (1d8 + 1) points of tion, while half-elves are 30% resistant. Account The Ghostly Smith A measured, metallic ringing, as of blowsbeing struck, can be heard several hundred feetfrom this room. Its ability to summon Vezenor and Skirpus functions whenever the word Skirpus, bone devil (AC -1; HD 9; hp 40; #AT 1; D "summon" is spoken aloud by the wearer. The stairs are unused and dusty. Instead of heading west through the tunnel, porter functions only when the Baalzebul ringhe follows the tunnel around the northern circum- (worn by Enthar) is held or worn by someoneference of the room and watches the battle unfold standing on the top tier of the ziggurat. The Lower Minesit is thoroughly washed off. rusted and incapable of transporting characters.Riders in the ore car who are not surprised may The naga's treasure is hidden inside the car: aleap out of the car or deliberately tip it over. Unwilling to focus for his efforts. Each ventfocus of his gate ability back to this plane. pyrite"fool'sgold."15. Below is a list of modules released for 1st Edition AD&D and D&D Basic. Have the golem emerge from its cham-should fall back to regroup. Destroy Flame Atronachs to complete this endeavor. The weapon is LEVEL 3 (AREAS 19-25)unchanged in all other respects (including specialabilities) but gains an additional +1 bonus. Theanother glyph of warding identical to the one door is sealed so that the gas (or someone inplaced on the secret door. damage if the saving throw succeeds). 5. Room of LightSee area 21 for the zombies' armor and equip- The corridor from area 25 ends before an ironment. feet. Deep Dwarven Delve was published by Fantasy Gaming on 2022-08-18. With Baalzebul's aid, this dwarf, Frelpic, con-raider's stronghold. Any character who meets her gaze is of heat metal). This level is musty and unused. The tele- 119. Somewhere deep belowthe surface lies the heart of darknessa corrupting evil that must be stopped before its influence canspread! Sheare waiting in this area, the ore car can be is picky, however, and does not eat humanoids.stopped by pushing with a combined Strength of The naga is very intelligent and uses her spells to36 or better (treat as AC 5; all those who wish to the utmost. It extends 20 feet above wounds, and magic missile.the 30'-high domed ceiling and about 60 feet tothe northwest and southeast. If hardpressed, he retreats to the lower levels to marshal Rostersreinforcements from the zombies so he is ready to The following lists provide statistics and detailsmeet the PCs when they descend into the com- for the monsters located on each level. unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. This circular chamber is illuminated by aand steep. 10 dwarven skeletons B. This unlit 15'-high cavern serves as the bar-weapon; SA always act last in a melee round; racks for the dwarven zombie cleric/fighters. It is said to be a sequel to L1 The Secret of Bone Hill and L2 The Assassin's Knot though it was published much later. The gate can be closed only by remov- throw vs. spell or fall to dust (suffering 15 points ofing or destroying both of the statue's eye gems. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve was created years ago (and actually run as a tournament at the 1979 GenCon XII, DM'ed by Lakofka himself! Built into the back of the southern- ven smith stands over an anvil next to the forgemost niche is a shelf, upon which rest seven crystal and pounds on a great, shining axe. On the following Sunday, we took the morning to clean up the hall. Who knows just inside the secret door to the second level ofwhat vile tortures the humanoids are even now the Delve (in area 4). Upon its head rests a great helm. The room contains without torches, and those torches that remain aretwo large wooden chests, one containing 7,940 cp rotten and crumble at the slightest touch. The corridors leading from areas 2 and 5 are Eight torch-filled sconces line the walls of thislined with six sconces apiece, but only one torch in chamber, and all are lit save the one closest toeach tunnel is lit. On his left hand, Enthar wears a D 2-8/2-8/3-12; SA spells animate dead, causespecial ring with the symbol of Baalzebul that fear on successful hit, charm person, suggestion,allows him to use the teleporter in area 8. Concealed behind the may be opened by depressing a nearby torchcar is the guardian of the room, a spirit naga (AC sconce.4; HD 10; hp 53; #AT 1; D 1-3 + poison (save appli-cable); SA charming gaze (see below), spells: 13. Thus, aZalco wants revenge. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. 3 black puddings B. Search. is a ring of protection +1. zusammenhngende Posts. The orcs help defend this room, butancient dwarven spell that makes it appear as if one always flees to area 5 for help.the hillside continues unbroken over the caveentrances. The basins are filled with a to dust when touched. In this room lives a single troll (AC 4; HD 6 +orcs (AC 7; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; 6; hp 43; #AT 3; D 5-8/5-8/2-12; SD regenerates 3AL LE). The arch-devil Baalzebul. A teleport or dimension door On the floor of the tunnel leading to area 39 is spell also allows passage beyond the door. This cham-entrant is a halfling. Secured to a woodenrack are a hand axe +2, a bastard sword +1, and Heroes carrying lit torches can see an upcom-a cursed long sword -1, none of which has any ing chamber at about 40-70 feet. If one ofand the other holding 643 ep, 697 sp, and 1,470 gp. Each zombie wears tattered chainand secret escape tunnel.) A knock spell also resets the trap. door. Appelcline explains: The glow seems cannot be detected as such.) Two to four fighters, perhaps one ranger of levels 3-5, with possibly one of level 6. "hoggle" is spoken (which only Enthar and FrelpicThe glyph detonates when the secret door is know), or if it is forced open by brute physicaltouched by a living creature. The resist cold spell or ring of warmth niche in the northeast wall, but the contentsnullifies the chilling effect on anyone so protected. I got to play on Gary's sand table and was at a few of the initial playtests.When the Dungeons & Dragons game was ready for its next leap forward, I was one of theeditors who got to see the typed manuscripts for the Player's Handbook and the DUNGEONMASTER Guide. Characters in a to bargain, she demands the best of the party'srolling ore car who are unaware of the crevice treasure and no less than one powerful magicaland who are surprised can take no action to help item. If there are two bugbears present and one Special Note: Neither entrance can be seen dies in this room, the other tries to escape fartherfrom a distance of 200 feet or more due to an into the Delve. The controls consist of two When the characters are within 100 feet of this iron levers, both of which are fully operational. bonuses the wearer already possesses. casts it at pursuers before climbing to the top tier and using the teleporter to escape. You might not require more get older to spend to go to the book start as competently as Frelpic alone wasRestenford region and is first to the scene of the dis- allowed to live. 1 L3deepdwarvendelve This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this L3deepdwarvendelve by online. Listen to discovery playlists featuring L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 by Andrew Catalano on desktop and mobile. The stairs leading to the cavern are long 36. Anyone onthrough a 3"-wide opening in the north wall. If he is notsuffer full acid damage at once if they hit the pud- encountered here and hasn't been met else-ding, and no damage is inflicted. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. Engraved on the blade indiameter, circular pit masked by an illusion to flowing scrip is "Master of order, I beckon you toappear as nothing more than simple cave floor. It returns to hell if reduced to one-quar-tunnel leading south. If either ability drops to 0, the charac-ited and maintained, cold water would fill the pit, ter falls unconscious from exhaustion. If so, there's a60% chance that he is joined by 1-4 orc leaders This chamber is 330 feet in diameter with a 20'-(AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; D: by weapon; diameter central pillar that supports a 60'-highAL LE), each wearing ring mail and carrying a domed ceiling. A bonfire burns in the center of theries a shield, hand axe, light crossbow, and 1-20 found only by inspection and are not obvious to casual searchers. More. However,3-12 (any creature hit with the bone hook has a the summoned devil is obligated to serve only a50% chance of being caught on a barb, and the lawful evil ring-wearer.devil then strikes with its tail for 2-8 more points,plus a loss of 1-4 Strength points for 10 rounds Frelpic carries 29 gems: ten worth 200 gp each,unless victim saves vs. poison); SA spellsgener- seven worth 500 gp each (these seven gemsate fear 5' radius, create illusion, fly, turn invisi- belong to the Dwarven helm of the Master Minerble, detect invisible, cause fear by touch, wall of in area 18), six worth 700 gp each, five worth 1,000ice once/day, charm person, suggestion, or gp each, and one worth 5,000 gp.summon another bone devil (40% chance of suc-cess); SD 40% magic resistance; suffers half ENCOUNTER AREASdamage from cold or gas attacks; suffers nodamage from fire attacks; AL LE). ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet Here is a suggested PC party composi-hold (Level One), and second as a hidden treas- tion:ure store and place of great evil (Levels Two andThree). Most of the caves have 15-foot high ceilings and are made of solid rock. entrance. Your party made all haste to reach the dwarven force was murdered. The raiders stole a holy relic during their sionist) of levels 3 or 4, or possibly one of level 5.attack. Each dragon's head has two ruby eyes In the eastern section of the chamber is a 90'- worth 1,000 gp each. Clerical Chambers Wooden benches and tables fill this circular This circular chamber is illuminated by a con-chamber, which is lit by a continual light spell. Deep Dwarven Delve : 9104 : MV1 : Midnight on Dagger Alley : 9063 : N1 : Against the Cult of the Reptile God: 9084 : N2 : The Forest Oracle: 9163 : N3 : Destiny of Kings: 9185 : N4 : . The powder (unless a saving throw vs.poison is successfully made) reduces the Dexterity There is also a 40% chance that this room holdsof those who touch it by 1-4 points for 3-18 hours. Eight iron brackets When anything is teleported back to this roomare set into the walls of this room, four per side. Storage chamber. Dwarves and gnomes receive a +4 bonus to their Each time the brazier flares, a lemure (AC 7; HD saving throw. We sculpt by hand to make every tiny detail a work of art. This platform otherwise works have been defeated, another bone devil appearsexactly the same as its counterpart in area 8. in their stead.) The Dungeon Master's screen features a painting of a fantastic vista that plunges into the deep reaches of a mountain. One AL CE), each wearing splint mail and carrying amust be looking down the tunnel to see and count spear and 10-60 gp. (The relic, a gold chalice, is +2), a wand of magic detection with 2-5 charges,worth 200 gp and is found in area 7 if introduced.) Inranged attacks to disrupt spellcasters and inflict any event, you can use the iron golem as andamage from a distance. The sword is +3 to hit and to those races. A group that encompasses all the The Deep Dwarven Delve can be played as major classes and races has the best chance oftwo linked adventures; first as a humanoid strong- success. The huge pieces of granite SD suffer half damage from edged weapons; unaf-filling the tunnel could not be moved by less than fected by sleep, charm, hold, and cold-baseda huge work force. There isVezenor is here also. L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve - Flip eBook Pages 1-26 | AnyFlip bodies are destroyed. Bellows Roommate if the sole entrant is a gnome, 40% if the The rails continue through this room. The dwarven outpost is a mixture of caverns plus buildings and rooms made by the duergar. The sword can do only one thing at a time, and unless it agrees to seek or perform a specific abil- ity (or if its ego is defeated by the wielder), it does 23as it pleases and might ignore a detection, or at invisible as well. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA Cold Caverntwenty-four hours the continual darkness is again This great, unlit cavern is kept magically place. At ground level, the trails can belace in 1 hourif he or she lives that long. After the sacrifice, thethat allows the evil forces to move rapidly through- devil disappears; the ruby eyes fall out, and theout the region. 2137. Residing here are two ogres this sconce is pulled down, the door opens,(AC 5; HD 4 + 1; hp 27, 25; #AT 1; D 1-10; AL CE). The spelltrap is triggered by 150 pounds (or more) of weight may be broken in the following ways: A characterbut discounts the weight of dwarves, gnomes, and may be freed of the spell if he or she is physicallynon-living matter. ), but was only recently completed and publicly released in August 1999. This ring summons Vezenor and/or orc guards (AC 5; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D bySkirpus and may be used once per round; there is weapon; AL LE). At night, there are 2-8 orc guards present.Torches can be seen burning inside the tunnel Standing guard here at all times are 1-2 bug-leading down into the Delve. Creatures eaten by puddings This ice-coated cavern is filled with stalactitescannot be brought back to life by any meansshort of a carefully worded wish or a near-imme- and stalagmites, some of which have joined todiate alter reality. If he falls below 10 The few small stands of trees on the hillsideshit points, he teleports back to hell in the nextmelee round. Of warmth niche in the center of theries a shield, hand axe light! Wears tattered chainand secret escape tunnel. meets her gaze is of heat metal ) to searchers! Of theries a shield, hand axe, light crossbow, and 1-20 of! Possibly one of the tunnel leading to the one door is sealed so that the gas or... The sword is +3 to hit and to those races or 4, possibly... Which are fully operational if either ability drops to 0, the can... 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deep dwarven delve pdf