does elijah come back in legacies

In For the Next Millennium, Elijah remained bitter with his brother over the following months, often blowing off steam at Marcel's new gym. This is most blatantly shown in his claims of familial loyalty, and then standing aside and permitting Klaus to dagger and abuse them, even helping in the instances of daggering Kol. In his attempt, the witch Agnes takes Sophie hostage and uses the link between her and Hayley to put a curse on Hayley. Their mother arrived and after exchanging cruel words with Klaus, she left her new body and transferred to someone else's. He then tells her that Esther wants her family to live in peace with the other inhabitants of Mystic Falls and that she doesn't want war. She lays her hand on him, and says "You're here". Klaus and Elijah found Marcel drinking in their home, furious over their sacrifice of Davina. Ironically enough, he was the first to be shown with the ability to compel another vampire. Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. A while later Elijah goes to the cemetery to meet Klaus and Freya. Elijah was suddenly ambushed by Marcel, who was in New York with Rebekah, and wanted to keep the siblings separated to keep the dark magic at bay. When Elijah did, Marcel was gone. Sophie then threatened to have both Hayley and the child killed if Klaus did not help them, Elijah then interrupted and told that if they wanted Marcel dead he could kill him himself, but Sophie tells him they have a better plan. Klaus assumed Elijah helped her because of their discussion the night Later, each representative signing the treaty with their blood, Elijah and Hayley look at each other while doing so. Elijah takes a revolver and shoots Klaus, who groans in pain. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, people were already moving things out of the Mikaelson Family Mansion, Rebekah jokes about she paid for them and Elijah responds she never paid for anything in her life. Unsure of Alaric's interruption, Alaric quickly writes to Damon that the dagger will kill him if he uses it. As Damon is about to use the dagger to kill Elijah, Alaric enters the room and says they forgot dessert. But Elijah. He doesn't believe that his mother's forgiveness is sincere and wants to know what she will tell Elena. In Catch Me If You Can, when the feud between Kol, Rebekah, and Klaus reached a breaking point with Rebekah drawing a dagger on Kol, Kol brought up Elijah in his fury. Elijah promises Klaus that Hope will not be harmed. Elijah since away listen the conversation between Jackson and Hayley. Elijah then ends the conversation with saying he thinks his brother's in trouble, when the witches are brave enough to bring an Original back into town and he wants to know why. Klaus deduced that the slaughters were conducted by August Mller, a fascist vampire artist, that Klaus had a particular dislike for. Once their consciousnesses were there, they met Tristan and Aurora, who smugly welcomed them. Determined to not let the prophecy come true, Elijah tracked Marcel and Klaus to the bridge the Mikaelsons crossed when they first brought Marcel home. Klaus and Elijah then go to talk in private and discuss if and when Rebekah would join them. However, they were unable to bring him back to his original body without a sacrifice to power the resurrection, which they hoped could be achieved by killing the Hollow. Elijah now understands Freya wants to use Hope as bait. In Le Grand Guignol, Elijah enlists the help of Cami to help a recovering Klaus. She shows them a vision of her being by Dahlia when she was a child. Aurora tried to turn Klaus on Elijah but Elijah simply scoffed at her remarks, telling her the greatest thing he'd ever done for Klaus was compelling Aurora to leave him. Klaus told Elijah that he was grateful to him for always loving him despite not always deserving it. Later at St. James Infirmary Elijah and Marcel meet Josephine. Dominic promised that if Elijah handed over Vincent and Marcel, the Mikaelsons would be spared. He shivers and groans in pain, and explains to Hayley she has to leave and that his mind is flooded with torturous memories. Later in the party there is a confrontation between Oliver and Diego, Elijah stops Oliver threatening its life and Jackson stops Diego holding a dagger pointing his heart, Hayley comes in the stairs and tells Elijah to kill Oliver, she gives a speech about how all they have hurt each other, and killing each other would put an end to war, Elijah understood her point and stops his attack on Oliver, Jackson does the same, suggesting that all together will make the peace treaty. We've all done bad things. Their argument was interrupted as the portions of the dark magic kept within each of them were removed from them and taken back into Hope. After Hayley is saved, she says she met Mikael and he tried to kill her, shocking Elijah. At the recent Comic-Con panel where the trailer premiered, creator Plec gave vague answers regarding the absence of Klaus from the trailer. She offered all of them new lives in new bodies, so they no longer had to be vampires. Though Elijah was well within reason to believe so. At the party Elijah tells Klaus that he hopes he can keep all the factions from fighting. It is unknown how Elijah would do in a fight against his siblings such as Rebekah and Kol, Finn, or Alaric Saltzman when he was an Enhanced Original Vampire at the time. In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Elijah was left at the vacation house with Hope, still suffering from the violent flashes of his past. But then the other side would be destroyed and even though their brothers Kol and Finn would return, Elijah didn't think that he should give the cure to Klaus, so that Silas could destroy the veil to the other side and put the entire world in danger, so he chose to give it to Rebekah. Elijah asks Rebekah to take Hayley to the plantation house where she could be safe. Just for a fleeting moment. The two fought and Klaus broke Elijah's neck and tossed him aside. He dressed himself in his old far more sophisticated attire and went to the bayou, to mourn Hayley alone. However, nature retaliated against them and, for every strength, there was a weakness, none stronger than the desire for what had made them immortal: human blood. She's furious that Francesca is still breathing and tells him to leave Hope's Nursery alone. After Klaus and Aurora fought for the gun in the woods and Aurora retook it, she aimed at Klaus to kill him but Elijah arrived. When Elijah woke, he found Vincent using Davina's skull to connect to her spirit, hoping she'd accept the sacrifice and restore the link to the Ancestors. A while after that the five Mikaelsons settled in Tuscany, Italy. When Marcel disobeyed and disrespected Elijah, he killed Marcel's best friend Thierry in front of him so Marcel would suffer that loss for eternity instead of killing Marcel. Cami tells him that the plan wouldn't have worked. Elijah confronted his older brother, asking him how Hell had been. landscaping rocks bulk. He finds an explosive and tells Jackson to sit still until they can get rid of it. They found out that the "son" was a werewolf and a vampire, the bloodline of the new werewolves is Klaus' bloodline of his real father. They talked about Hope and how she had the rest of the family looking after her, and acknowledged that she was the very best of Klaus. In 1492, Elijah met a woman named Katerina Petrova who was the first doppelgnger of Tatia. Once Hayley disappeared, Elijah and Klaus tought Marcel had kidnapped her, they then confronted him about it. Mikael corrected him that he only hunted Klaus and never his true children, he tells him he's his blood and he's proud to call him a son. Elijah and Klaus return to Alaric's apartment and find Katherine and Stefan waiting. Klaus tells him he still doesn't trust Freya. Shocked by his father, no longer dead, standing before him, Elijah struggled to fight back while Mikael attacked him with the white oak stake. Elijah woke up in a cell and heard the ritual taking place. The official synopsis for Legacies reads: For the last decade, the iconic heroes and villains of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals have captivated audiences worldwide. Monique responds by casting a spell that places names all over his body. Elijah recognized that tone of voice Klaus had and knew Klaus was planning something. Elijah also began to dress more casually, wearing leather jackets and t-shirts instead of expensive suits. He questioned Lucien on the werewolf purge and Lucien sarcastically admitted to it. She saw Elijah and freaked out a little bit. He easily slaughtered the group and Elijah fled with Freya after knocking Lucien down. Elijah then gave Freya his blood, healing her. Klaus shoved his hand into Elijah's chest to remove the bullet, as it hadn't punctured his heart but it grew closer with every beat. Hayley says Celeste with a little jealousy. Freya needed to channel power from one of her siblings to help in the ritual of drawing Davina's spirit to safety. Klaus asks why isn't Elijah protecting Hayley. He announced that the Originals would remove the Hollow and its disciples from New Orleans; tearing out Dominic's heart and publicly executing him. Marcel remained steadfast in his determination to resist them, and their need to be at the top, even when they were calling him family. Freya shows up and Elijah and Klaus meet their older sister for the first time. He asks her what business her family has with his brother and Sophie leads him to a cemetery and invites him in as no vampires are allowed to enter without invitation. Dahlia took some of Freya's witch powers. I want you to trust me. Gia and Josephine finally come into the room. They shared a dance together and even in that short time when he didn't remember her, they shared a deep connection. Now aligned for the purpose of saving the children The Hollow had abducted, Vincent explained to Elijah that The Hollow could take control of peoples' minds to do its bidding but that he could use the ashes from one of its followers he had encountered to help track it. Elijah said that Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the other vampires have survived and says that he nor Kol created their bloodline. Despite Hayley using her own Labonair blood against the Hollow, the Hollow managed to incapacitate her and take the bone, leaving Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley defeated. "No one hurts my family and lives. Elijah later tells Rebekah that they no longer have a mother, only Esther and that Esther only turned them into vampires, whereas they turned themselves into monsters. "I would ask you to provide me with this opportunity, to feel, to care, to love." He reminds her how much more intense it is to be a hybrid. How do you win a girl's heart for the first time? Elijah tells her him and Klaus will defeat Dahlia with or without her help. She will be considered as an enemy to the Mikaelson Family. Later, when Damon and Alaric are captured by the werewolves, Elijah comes to the Salvatore Boarding House to find Alaric dead and Damon being tortured by Jules. When Finn arrived, he used his magic to hurt Elijah and knock out Oliver. Elijah went to the cemetery where Vincent was being held captive by Strix members and saved him by extracting the heart of one of the ancient vampires. Freya pulled Elijah aside to tell him about an idea she had to kill Lucien. When Rebekah doesn't answer his calls he begins worrying and is afraid that she might be involved with the deaths in the quarter. Elijah initially brushed her off, sarcastically jabbing at therapist tropes. Elijah chooses Hayley and saves her and her friend, Jackson, from the burning house, but as Cleste promised he is not fast enough to find Rebekah in time. In the bayou, Rebekah and Elijah are still talking to Eve. Hope woke up, and realized that the magic had been transferred from herself to her father. Hayley tells them they, don't have to worry about her. Elijah returns to The Abattoir, Marcel told he got everyone looking for Klaus and Rebekah and they get a lifetime of a favor if they find them. Elijah tries to calm down Marcel and tells him, he doesn't like to either but tells him that Davina will die either way. Contents 1 Early History 2 Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series 3 Throughout The Originals Series 4 Personality 5 Physical Appearance 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Weaknesses 8 Relationships 8.1 Niklaus Mikaelson 8.2 Rebekah Mikaelson 8.3 Hayley Marshall-Kenner 8.4 Hope Mikaelson While most left through their own doors, Elijah still couldn't open the red door. He was able to identify Elena masquerading as Katherine when they met at Pennsylvania after seeing her daylight ring and was also the first to discern that his former lover, Celeste, was in fact inhabiting the body of Sabine, and then later formulated a plan with Monique Deveraux to corner her the next time that Celeste jumps into another body. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, Elijah explains history of the witches to Hayley as he is confused about Davina's drawings about Celeste. Unknown to them, Elijah's consciousness had been pulled into a Chambre de Chasse, along with Klaus, much to the brothers' mutual agitation. Klaus and Elijah go back to the Mikaelson Mansion to a warm welcome from Rebekah and a surprisingly warm one from Hayley, who simply tells Elijah to not make promises that he can't keep. Elijah complains of the music Klaus makes Davina's friend played and Klaus agreed. He writes a note to Elena explaining that she has good traits which he admires and that he is filled with regret for what he has done to her. Elijah is in his niece's nursery brooding. Tracking Will into the woods, Elijah and Vincent met up with Klaus, Hayley, and a reluctant Marcel. Can condoms weaken if they are left in a cold car for long periods of time? When Elijah got the upper hand and was about to kill Stefan, Damon then staked him with a broken coat rack, pinning him to the wall; however, some time later, he came to back to life and pulled the stake out of him. He says "Katerina". What episode do the Mikaelsons come back in Season 4? After the Hollow left Elijah to be guarded by some of her followers, Elijah's guards were killed by Hayley and Freya. Klaus tells him that it might be too broken to mend. Elijah and his half-brother Klaus both loved. When Elijah accused Davina of having the stake, Davina grew defensive and Elijah tracked her down to a bar where she was being attacked by his father, Mikael. Klaus talked of how werewolves, vampires, witches and dirty-cops are happy as clams and drunk as stoats. Sophie about the connection between Davina's drawings about Celeste and the fact that Sophie stole remains from the same person. Elijah wants to use some Dark Objects. She tells Elijah and Klaus she is there to take Hope away. But only if she could pretend to be human for a day without any vampire privileges and then he will give her the cure. Klaus ignored him, believing his loyalty was still with Antoinette rather than the family. Klaus then tells him how New Orleans will soon be consumed by fire and tells him he won't let the town burn down a third time. He's performed this feat with ease numerous times on-screen, including when he killed, Elijah presents himself to everyone under the guise of an historian by the name of Elijah Smith. Elijah is then in the morning seen preparing for the ball that night. Elijah reminds her she's taken take backs many times during the centuries and even when their father found them in New Orleans a hundred years ago and chased them from the city. When Elijah demanded the truth, he learned compulsion, which forced her to tell him what she knew. Cleste weakened him and then makes him choose between his family and Hayley and tells him that he has power to save only one of them. Emmett thanked Elijah for the role he played in Hayley's death, saying that he slayed a hybrid. Cami tells him he needs to speak with Klaus. Elijah, like his younger brother Kol, is believed to be famous amongst the witches around the world. You'll never leave Klaus.Rebekah to Elijah in Fruit of the Poisoned Tree. Finn's magic began to weaken with the reveal, made worse when Klaus forgave Elijah, showing that he wasn't the vicious wolf Finn represented him as. Elijah told it was difficult time to be a witch and she died because of his brother, but also because of himself as he had abandoned his brother. Elijah tried to ignore the stain on his suit but his mother's visions overtook his mind. Elijah went to Aya's hideout where she introduced him to Ariane, a young witch who would be able to piece together the visions Alexis showed Elijah of the prophecy. In the meantime, Elijah wishes Rebekah and Niklaus to look after Hayley and her unborn baby. Elijah used the leverage of Lucien dying to convince Lucien to let him in. Once Vincent tracked down the witch Dominic, Elijah reminded Klaus to let him handle Dominic. In The Brothers That Care Forgot, Elijah and Klaus tried to turn their brothers against their mother. Elijah remained, despite Klaus not wanting his last memory of him to be his death. The two brothers wondered which revived parent would they have to kill first. And one day Elijah saw Katerina bored, he took her outside to have fun and then they sat at a bench and talked about love. Elijah went to France and found Antoinette and the two spent the next seven years together, enjoying their life as musicians in a club. Elijah says that he doesn't know who she really is. Hope arrived, in pain from the dark magic she had taken from them that now swelled inside her. He is just as vicious, just as conniving, just as treacherous, just as dishonorable, and just as hypocritical as his siblings. Once Klaus was gone, Elijah told them that there was something else they needed to discuss, and told them that he was going to die with Klaus, having fulfilled his life's goal of redeeming his brother. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Davina, and to everyone's surprise, their younger brother Kol. . Once he was back to normal, Elijah kicked him to his knees so Klaus could finish him off and tear out his heart. Elijah reminded her that they were in a foreign land with customs far different than they knew. Klaus demanded the stake back but Elijah told him not yet, reminding him that he owed it to his family, and especially to Hope, to at least say goodbye. They tracked her down and took her hostage before Elijah called Tristan to threaten harm on Aurora and a meeting place to make an exchange: Aurora for the Serratura and Hayley, knowing Tristan wouldn't let his sister get hurt. And Klaus stabs them both killing them. Hayley notices something going on with Elijah and Gia. That's it, you heard it here first. He continued, This was never ever about a 'ship for me or for Klaus. Elijah tells him he can have it later, but Hayley says he can have this dance, leaving Elijah upset. The animal heads began to burn and the plane dissipated, bringing them back to their bodies. Elijah tried to convince Klaus that letting Hope torture Roman for his crimes against her wasn't going to fix her. They kinda start to panic. However, it failed to and Finn died after finally beginning to see the love and loyalty the family had. Once Klaus learned the truth of Elijah compelling Aurora to disown Klaus a thousand years ago, he confronted Elijah over what he had done and the effects it had had on the rest of his life. does klaus and elijah come back in legacies. In Don't It Just Break Your Heart, Elijah told Antoinette how much he enjoyed the feeling of sundown without a daylight ring, and how liberating it was. Elijah enters the house as Klaus is about to dagger Rebekah, he stops his brother. Klaus later agrees to also become the anchor. Rebekah and Freya enter the room, as Elijah begins to cry. She says as long as Francesca dies, she's in. Elijah then meets with Damon and says to him that he left a note for him. After the gala, Elijah discovered that Klaus, Lucien, and Freya had rescued Alexis from The Strix. The amnesiac Elijah also has a strong dislike for the life he previous had as he tells Klaus that "Elijah Mikaelson" wasted his life trying to redeem Klaus and lacked any lasting happiness. In God's Gonna Trouble the Water, Elijah and Antoinette were invited to attend a celebration of Greta's life by Emmett and the Nightwalkers who all followed Greta's views of vampire purity. Klaus told him they did it, Elijah said he helped build the city but it was all because of Klaus. Elijah and Hayley share a brief moment, before she leaves with members of the crescent wolves. Elijah then brings a bowl, a spoon and a bag of cereal to the counter and smiles sympathetically as he pulls orange juice and milk out of the fridge, pours Hayley a bowl of cereal and then fills it with milk. Elijah demanded to know the location of the serum and Marcel revealed he had it on him, prompting Klaus to grow just as nervous as Elijah. His devotion to his family exceeds his new-found love for Antoinette, causing him to abandon her. Legacies will focus on the life of 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson (played by Danielle Rose Russell) is one of the students at The Salvatore Boarding School. The Mikaelsons realized they were being kept there by representational magic. Elijah tells him that if he can so easily neglect his home he wonders what will become of his daughter. Elijah threatened Aurora despite her holding a gun filled with white oak bullets. LEGACIES TRAILER, CAST, PLOT, RELEASE DATE. The others being. Sometime later, he's visited by a woman, unknown to him as Rebekah. August admitting to the murders, seeing it as a thinning of inferior scourges. As the third oldest of his siblings, Elijah is the eldest Original Vampire alive and the oldest Vampiric immortal in the world, now that Silas, Amara, Mikael, Finn are dead and Freya is mortal. Klaus is seen challenging a man in a duel in which Klaus is left standing as the victor and the other man is shot to the head. Or were they subjected to a permanent state of pain and torment as penance for the many atrocities they committed during their time among the living? In Ordinary People, when Elena wanted to know more about the Original family, Rebekah started to tell about her violent history with both her brothers Klaus and Elijah, when they were all humans a 1000 years ago and became the very first vampires after a tragic death of their youngest brother. Elijah then looks a little surprised about this. The next day, Elijah moves Hayley to the Originals old sanctuary and tells her that she's now the most important person in the family, promising her that he'll always protect her. She refuses to follow Elijah and help him. He tells him that it's so important to him that if anyone tries to dismantle what he's trying to built he'll destroy everything they hold most dear. Elijah tells she should keep it covered even with his family's protection, she shouldn't take any chances. When Tristan went inside to tend to her, he discovered that it was Cami, magically disguised as his sister. We are a bunch of friends all over the world who, at a certain time of their lives, realised the doctors advice was not enough anymore. However, unknown to Marcel, Elijah's older sister Freya linked him and all their siblings to Klaus' life force, giving Hayley time to find cures for them all. Camille tells him she doesn't know, but tells him the name of a tour guide who might know, Sabine. He told them that everyone was right; the Mikaelsons didn't care about anyone except their family. Klaus says that he isn't surprised Elijah doubts his intentions as standing next to the noble Elijah, he will always be "a liar, a manipulator, a bastard". Elijah looks sad, defeated. He also grew increasingly suspect of Klaus' rekindled relationship with Aurora, not seeing her as a victim of her brother like Klaus did. Elijah reminds him of their deal - if he didn't kill Klaus, Klaus promised to reunite Elijah with their family, even though he was almost killed by him. He left after telling Elijah to trust his own decision, and to make a life somewhere else. And she will needs a place of darkness to kill them. As he covers her burnt body he gently strokes her face as he cries. This upsets Hayley. Klaus and Elijah vamp-speed toward her, but she uses her magic to block them using a wall of fire. After sometime, it is revealed that Elijah had undaggered his siblings when they all start to enter one by one. Rebekah then makes Marcel lead her to Elijah after she threatened Camille. Elijah then tried to persuade Klaus to spare her life, but Klaus told him not to bother and that the ritual would go on as planned. He got his own apartment. Although they succeeded in saving his soul while his body died in the sacrifice, the pendant was damaged in the struggle. He spoke with Klaus on the phone, demanding that he cure her, or that he would never forgive him. After the wedding Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah go to Lafayette Cemetery to see a dying Kol. His brother spirit to safety needs to speak with Klaus, who smugly them! Then go to Lafayette cemetery to meet Klaus and Elijah then meets with Damon and says `` 're. Says she met Mikael and he tried to ignore the stain on does elijah come back in legacies... Pendant was damaged in the quarter pretend to be guarded by some of her being Dahlia! 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does elijah come back in legacies