once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

When the villainous trio arrives, Maleficent recognizes the tree refused them because Snow White is pregnant, and her child, although born of true love, has great potential to be evil. David Nolan David wants Henry to "horse-sit" first until the animal decides he is ready to ride. Emma is tasked with locating a portal, but she has no leads until Hook, seemingly with Mr. Gold's help, discovers a door to Arendelle hidden in an abandoned mansion. They at first have an antagonistic relationship, but it later turns into a romantic one. He discovers the Snow Queen lives under the name Sarah Fisher, but she is not listed anywhere in the town censuses. Realizing they have made a grave mistake, the horrified couple watch as a portal opens while the egg begins hatching, revealing a baby's hand reaching out from inside the shell. Status: That night, David attends a diner party, where he apologizes to Hook for killing him in the alternate reality. Later, Emma returns to confirm her decision to stay in Storybrooke, and shares news of her and Hook's trip to the past through the time portal, in which they recreated Prince Charming and Snow White's first meeting. Since farm business is poor, their earnings are not enough, so Bo Peep sets a deadline. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. David insists the Apprentice's deal was necessary to ensure Emma grew up as good person, but she cannot ever see herself doing what they did at the cost of an innocent life. Regina breaks up the argument by reminding them that they need to stick together since the Queen wants them to turn on each other. Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships, Dashed lines denote marriages, engagements, adoptions, and relationships that result in offspring, Emma Swan and Baelfire/Neal Cassidy have never married. Angst and fluff. In this universe, Snow White and Prince Charming were able to stop Regina from casting the Dark Curse by stealing her magic. After entering the barrier, they find the destroyed beans. When the king asks which of them is the prophesied savior, Regina claims the title in Emma's place. Birth Emma, in order to keep Hook's secret under wraps, enters and professes that she will punish them for what they did to her. During the party, Henry rereads the story of how Prince Charming and Snow White met. Summary: Emma, Regina and the intrepid crew of the Jolly Roger set out to save Henry from Neverland. When they get back into town, they find Billy's mangled corpse. On the drive to the town line, Emma tells him about her failure to cheer up Henry. ("The Price"), At the sheriff's department, Regina shows David and Mary Margaret a book from Camelot, in which she had marked an image of a toadstool six weeks ago, but she doesn't remember why. David eyes Hook cautiously, which makes Emma hasten her and Hook's departure. David Nolan also takes the place of Hamlet from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Prince Charming is mentioned in the Underworld storybook in "Our Decay". As they talk, Bo Peep arrives to collect payment. Snow White is crushed that she and Prince Charming can never be a family with their child and begins agonizing over their grim future due to the curse. Snow planed on going into the wardrobe with her daughter, but sNOW unexpectedly gives birth to Emma before the curse hits leaving Emma to be left alone and Snow is trapped in Storybrooke as Mary Margaret Blanchard. When the trio of men approach the haunting booth, they see Claude, an associate of Cruella's, trying to destroy it. ("Tougher Than the Rest"), That same night, David gives a toast in honor of Emma's defeat of Gideon and the strength of their united family, although he is sad that Snow can't be with them. Once Snow White and Lancelot rejoin the mother-son pair, they travel to Lake Nostos to find the cure for the wound caused by the poisoned arrow. After the dwarves leave in a huff, a frustrated David retreats into the sheriff's office, where he vents to Mary Margaret about his inability to do anything and that he blames himself for what Emma has become. David confesses he was scared, knowing she would be unwilling to leave the island with him, and did not want to force the cure's price on her. He and Snow have a brief happy reunion with Emma before Henry reveals the Black Fairy gave Gideon one last command to kill Emma no matter what. He relates the news to Snow and Emma, with both realizing the man they saw earlier was actually the Queen in disguise and the real Archie has been kidnapped. Both his attacker as well as the sword's hilt vanish and he later recounts this to Emma, Hook, and Regina. "What you need to apologize for is your behavior after the fact. He tries to follow his family in, but the vortex closes. Emma promises that they'll be thanking her after she is done with Zelena, and then stabs Excalibur into the ground, triggering a magical barrier that touches everyone who is present. Despite that, he'll continue to work through their relationship by going to therapy with her. With his encouragement, she melts the ice. Having an idea of what might suffice, Hook asks him for his blessing to propose to Emma, which David silently contemplates for several seconds, causing Hook to worry, until David gladly consents. When Zelena's magic apparently has no effect on Hyde, the heroes flee the house to get away. Rose lived in Storybrooke, Maine and she got back with Emma and she told her that everyone . The hat, triggered by Emma's magic, sucks in not only the Wraith, but her as well. He stands his ground against the alluring woman until she turns into the one person he desires most, Snow White. The next day, David continues going through records at the sheriff's office. As she tethers Hook's life to Excalibur, David and the others remain in the diner, looking on in alarm as black tendrils of darkness evaporate from Merlin's body. With magical help from the Land Without Magic, a portal opens, allowing them to return home. ("Dreamcatcher"), After informing David, Mary Margret, Hook and Belle about Emma's slip up about Merlin, Regina explains her plans to use the Crimson Crown to talk to the sorcerer, though they need Arthur's help enacting the spell, as only someone chosen by Merlin can use the toadstool. David agrees that Henry has taken after both Emma and Regina, who both put up walls. As she passes him the coins from her bag, their hands touch, unknowingly creating the first spark of true love, which grows into a sapling. Afterward, Hook shows everyone the three headstones that Hades engraved with Snow, Regina and Emma's names, to make them stay in the Underworld forever, in place of the three people who already moved on. In this time frame, Belle discovers the symbol originates from a key to the vault of the Dark One, which Neal used to resurrect Mr. Gold, but in turn, cost his own life. Prince Charming is mentioned on the spine of one of, Prince Charming's name appears on the list. In season four, Regina has started to slip back into the darkness and her relationship with Emma is strained because she brought Marian (Zelena in disguise) back from the dead. Instead, she plans on having a chat with Regina to pull her back to their side. Josh Dallas (Adult)Luke Roessler (Child) Reaching consciousness, David is offered magic water, which will heal his wound, but he can never leave the island. Snow White enters the castle first, but tells the princes to wait until nightfall. Emma's attempt to counter with magic only angers the beast, who knocks her away and blows everyone off their feet. David attempts to break her out, only for a masked Woodcutter, actually Gabriel, to engage him in battle. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) To Mary Margaret, David expresses dislike about allowing Emma to use magic, but she thinks their daughter needs to learn. Though Emma insists they stay back, David and Hook advance as the intruder counters with icicles. The next morning, David vows to a sleeping Snow that he will fix things and reunite their family again once Emma is found. [image begins]ginger and hands it to him. Emma considers it'd help to get information from the Author about Cruella's whereabouts, so her parents suggest using a locator spell on a flask they once gave the Author. Regina and Emma have been happily married for several years when Regina's other half reappears in Storybrooke in toddler form. To make up for it, David teaches Henry how to sword fight with wooden weapons. ("Tiny"), From Manhattan, Emma phones Mary Margaret with the revelation that Mr. Gold's son is also her ex-boyfriend and Henry's biological father. Focusing on getting his family back, David asks Mother Superior about possibly opening another portal with the hat, but she states it cannot be done without fairy dust. However, the moment Snow awakens, David falls asleep, making it impossible for them to ever truly be together. To rescue Robin's daughter from Hades, Regina and Robin plan to bypass Zelena's protection spell on the town hall through an underground tunnel. THe women are later attacked by a Flying Monkeys and allow Robin Hood and the Merry Men to accompany them. As she walks up to them, Snow White shows no fear and unsheathes Prince Charming's sword as a threat. They stop by Hyde's house, where Jekyll finishes making a red serum to defeat the warden for good, but Poole makes him to ingest a blue serum that forces Hyde to manifest in the body. ("A Tale of Two Sisters"), One night, David, Emma, Henry and Mary Margaret receive an apartment visitora ravenat their window. Mr. Gold believes warning them already fulfills his debt, but David disagrees. Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. Another day, a woman proclaimed she was the Savior, so the Queen had the woman locked in a tower guarded by a Black Knight by the name of Lily. He returns to the loft, sitting near his sleeping wife, while playing a video message from Snow. Charlotte, Snow's handmaiden, is set to leave the castle permanently to tend to her ill mother, and joins the couple for a farewell dinner. David then watches in horror as Mary Margaret jumps in after her. ("Swan Song"), After coming to the Underworld, whose town bears an uncanny resemblance to Storybrooke, David and his party split up to look for Hook. However, she shared a secret with Regina, causing Snow to lose her lover. A sympathetic Robin Hood suggests that he seek out a plant called night root, which grows at the edge of Sherwood Forest, that can help overcome his fear. Suspecting Mr. Gold is up to no good, Emma and Mary Margaret confront him as he carries out his plan to crush Hook's heart, but it is Belle who forces him, with the real dagger, to stop. ("The Cricket Game"), Sometime after this, Regina employs the Count of Monte Cristo to gain Snow and Charming's trust. During the festivities, Mary Margaret nudges David's attention onto Henry, who is eyeing a girl across the room. They let Anton inspect some soil content, which is suitable for planting the stem, as the seven dwarves arrive to help him. Show Information David casually fights off her advances, telling her he has an early patrol tomorrow, but she continues to try and seduce him, even suggesting they spice things up with handcuffs. Instead, they only tell her about Maleficent's return. They take a walk where David admits being around Kathryn doesn't feel right and the only person he can connect with is Mary Margaret. After getting to the Queen's castle by Hook's ship, Charming and Snow quickly overpower the Queen with the intensity of their song. As the witch uses the princess' lengthy hair as a rope to climb up, Prince Charming encourages Rapunzel to fight back, to which she cuts off the tresses and destroys her false twin. Emma makes the effort to unveil the map by stating facts about herself, with encouragement from her parents, but nothing works. Margaret sets out to help Hercules move on to Mount Olympus, and because Cerberus is keeping Hook trapped, she seeks Hercules to slay the hellbeast, which will solve both problems at once. Regrouping there, Emma and Neal stay behind to secure the rooms while Mary Margaret and David rush ahead, where they catch Greg electrocuting Regina. Arthur joins him, and before leaving, he and David get supplies from the Round Table room. ("The Other Shoe"), Sometime later, Charming goes with Snow to Cinderella and Thomas' wedding. Rumplestiltskin hands him a bottled vial of true love encased in an egg to hide in the body of a beast. With time running out, everyone agrees with Regina's opinion of going ahead with the counter spell because many lives are at stake, though it would mean ending the search for Anna. Emma is skeptical since it's a risky plan, but Archie rallies everyone into the plan. Mysteriously, residents begin disappearing from town, such as one of the dwarves. Upon returning to Storybrooke Henry and Emma do . David admits that, rather than giving other people hope by going ahead with this wedding, he doesn't want to rush the wedding knowing what awaits Emma after it. SH elater grows mad with also helping raise Emma's younger brother, Neal, but finds it complicated. David later keeps a secret from his family that he was poisoned when the Lost Boys fired at them with poisoned arrows. Even more alarming, Emma discovers an override code was used to break into the office. Language: English Words: 21,641 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 25 Kudos: 191 Bookmarks: 25 Since Mary Margaret once saved his life, making him indebted to her, he provides a bottle with Regina's tears and asks her to shed one of her own tears into it. Like everyone else, he receives a list agenda of all the things Mary Margaret intends to discuss, but the residents press her into talking about the ice wall. Emma, trapped on the other side, informs him via walkie-talkie that the woman, Elsa, is searching for her sister, Anna, whose pendant was in the pawnshop. Henry shows Emma an apartment listing so they can live in Storybrooke permanently. However, Emma's magic is drained after saving Hook's life and causes the room barrier to fade. Soon after Mary Margaret exits, Arthur arrives, explaining someone stole a magic bean that he and his people need for going home. When hers and Charming's daughter was born, Snow wanted to keep her, but she could not for they needed Emma to escape the curse. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) Only on arrival at the diner to deliver the pouch, they discover Elsa's duplicity, and their hopes of a counter spell are dashed since it'll soon lose its potency. Emma and Hook will join him on this quest, and they agree to meet Mary Margaret and David at Tinker Bell's tree house once everything is settled. David mistakes the memories for Mary Margaret's attempt in harming Kathryn and begins to doubt her innocence. Regrouping in the diner, David and Robin tie Zelena to a chair, as Regina uses Emma's baby blanket to redirect the cyclone into taking them to the Enchanted Forest.

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once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant