once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma

Mr. Gold counsels her to go back to Storybrooke and seek out Eric. While ambushing a royal carriage, Regina unexpectedly faces Snow White, who demands the boy's location. Wish Evil Queen Regina is born to Prince Henry, the son of a wealthy king named Xavier, and Cora, the daughter of a poor miller. Throughout the night, Regina tries to get Emma to open up emotionally about Hook's departure with little success. In the presence of everyone else, Emma begins using the ember to reforge the sword and dagger into one weapon, but then, Hook collapses from a cut he previously sustained from Excalibur, which no magic can heal. Relevant Pages Once Upon A Time characters texting. Seeing a man on horseback, Regina hitches a getaway ride. When Samdi freely admits he intends to kill Weaver and obtain the Dark One Dagger, Roni insists she won't allow it to happen and she doesn't have any other choice but to stop him. Only then, the figure reveals himself as William, Daniel's elusive brother. When Mary Margaret and David openly discuss Lancelot's return, though he was previously believed to be dead, Regina chides them for talking about a sensitive topic in front of Emma, as anything could set her off at this point. Inside, the cell's occupant is gone, but a spinning wheel with strands of spun gold litter the floor, proving Mr. Gold is alive. Regina and Emma nearly gain Henry's attention when he hears them calling him, but the Queen draws him away before he realizes anything is wrong. The fairy, while preparing to hit her with another surge of magic, is hit by Zelena's car and sent flying before she teleports away. One day, while traveling in the woods, she captures a Woodcutter and later chances upon his two children, Gretel and Hansel. Emma vows to make her pay, especially since Regina once took away someone she loved, and now she will do the same by fighting to gain custody of Henry. [6] ("Regina Rising"), While riding one day, she meets the stableboy Daniel for the first time. Emma Swan is successful in both her career and in the bedroom, but what happens when a random woman threatens to turn her ideals upside down and all around. Returning home early from the party with Henry, Regina gives a sigh of relief, thanking him for saying he wanted to leave as she was getting tired of Leroy's "to all the curses I've ever known" speeches. ("Changelings"), After Emma finds the sword from her vision, she, Regina and Hook head to the vault, in the hopes of learning more about the weapon, but they run into the Queen at Robin's grave. In the midst of the fight, no one notices Mary Margaret slip away to the vault. Henry firmly says that he doesn't want to become like her, which genuinely hurts Regina as she remembers once saying the same words to her own mother. Later on, the Queen pays Prince Charming a visit in his cell to inform him she has no plans to kill Snow White and has another form of punishment that is far worse. Henry thanks her for the pep talk, but walks off in low spirits. "Look what you've done!" A hopeful Regina asks if she would consider being a family with the Queen again, to which Snow White affirms she would if the Queen was sincere about changing. In their absence, Henry frets over not completing Operation Firebird, and although people can move on once Hades has left, he wants to help those who don't know their unfinished business. She questions what he wants in return. While moving her things back into the office, she gleefully burns Mary Margaret's bird painting with a fireball. Before Zelena can have another go at driving, Regina gets a call from Snow asking her to decipher Mother Superior's clue about the other wand half being at "heart of Storybrooke". ("Pretty in Blue"), After arriving in San Francisco, Roni looks over a vial of liquid that she intends to use on Kelly, the cursed persona of her sister Zelena, in order to restore her true memories. The blonde briefs Regina on the enchantment Arthur has her parents under, because he wants the dagger to unite it with Excalibur, in order to kill Merlin. Outside the cavern, Regina exits to see her group members apprehending Tinker Bell, so she quickly approaches to clear up the misunderstanding. As Owen exits the diner with his father, he gives her a keychain to thank her for letting him sit in her seat. That evening, Regina secretly has Graham over as they have a physically driven affair. Going on a hunch, Regina goes to her vault to check on Daniel's body, which is no longer there. Regina abruptly mutes her again, cautioning Zelena to remember that she is still the Evil Queen, and that she can be far worse towards her if she wishes. She's married and straight. Emma combines Regina's tear with the other ingredients, but the potion doesn't work because, while Regina's heartbreak is real, she has healed from the past and moved on with Robin. This doubt is settled when the Black Fairy shows up to demand the wand from them, to which Hook gives it to Regina, who challenges Fiona to a fight. She proposes once the dagger is theirs, Mr. Gold can kill everyone while Regina will be blameless in Henry's eyes. Not liking her current clothes, she poofs into more Queenly attire. Secondly, she demands Archie erase the notion of the curse from her son's mind, and if he doesn't, she'll put him out of a job. Under Regina. Regina reads a line in book stating she will rob from a carriage later, which is exactly what she had intended to do. He pleads for the necessity of the magic in her vault as a defense, but she is has no concerns about Pan ever getting out of the box. The little girl feels connected to the couple and knows they are her parents. The couple arrive to the office, overhearing Hades trying to convince Zelena into letting him use the Olympian Crystal against the heroes so they can take over Storybrooke. snowwhite; lostgirl; dreamshade +20 more # 8. . Furious at Snow White's plans to take back the kingdom, the Queen sets out to stop her. Mr. Gold refuses to elaborate when she asks why he designed the curse in this manner, and no longer wants any future assistance from her as she has nothing he desires. Happily, Regina accepts as Emma allows it, and the two go home together. Home: When the scan reveals Henry is at the Midtown Library, the women arrive to find him and Violet passed out, after Mr. Gold has taken the crystal. To ensure Hook is ready for the job and has no weaknesses, Regina tracks down his father Brennan, who abandoned Hook when he was a boy. Unimpressed, Regina explains that, while they are indeed one and the same person, this also means they share ownership of the lamp, to which she uses the second wish to be sent to where Emma is. Regina later stalks into the sheriff station looking for them, but finds an imprisoned Mary Margaret. Regina finds Hook and tries to talk him out of damning Emma's loved ones to the Underworld. On the day of the wedding, Cora steps into Regina's room and notices the mirror. As they talk, Roni learns that Henry almost kissed Jacinda before being interrupted by Lucy, who for some reason no longer seems to approve of him. When Danielle is 9, she makes a wish on the blue star for a fresh start, new life. She scoffs at Snow White's suggestion that they go there together until the latter insists their united forces will ease the other inhabitants' minds. She asks Emma to stop her if she ever becomes dark again, which Emma reluctantly agrees to do. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. She also confirms to David that the Enchanted Forest still exists. AU: 18 year old Emma Swan's heart is stolen the minute Regina Mills, a 34 year old business woman steps into her coffee shop. ("Lost Girl"), The plan to reach Pan is a failure once when they notice his camp location keeps changing; making their journey fruitless. While Regina struggles to dislodge the utensil, Ariel rips the bracelet from Snow White's wrist, reverting them to their original forms, and the two escape by swimming away. Taking inspiration from the Count, Regina learns hjow to fence and takes on a Black Knight as her opponent. In turn, the Queen snaps that she never learned the most basic lessonall actions have consequences. With Edmond now employed as Snow and Charming's new wine steward, the Queen gives him a vial of poison from Agrabahn Vipers to murder the couple. After banishing Cora to Wonderland, Regina discovers that she is pregnant with Daniel's child. While Owen helps Regina make apple pie, she bonds with him over his mother's passing and later suggests to Kurt that they can stay in town permanently. AU: Emma knows who her parents are, and the curse was not a curse at all it was done by good so that they could have a new life away from magic, and evil. Regina deflects Emma's wariness over the mayor getting involved in a missing person's case by stating she found John Doe on the side of the road years ago and became his emergency contact, though this is a complete lie. It takes place in Storybrooke, in no specific time place. She disregards his same old warning that all magic comes with a price, though momentarily pauses when he notes that Regina, who did not resemble her mother in the past, is now becoming just as power hungry as her. Ruby discovers the box, and after Emma runs some tests, she has no choice but to arrest Mary Margaret for murder charges. seems to change and speed up there relationship. she berates him betraying her trust by stealing the potion and only caring about himself when Henry's life is at risk. To accomplish this, he and Emma have to go on a quest to obtain a magical item, the flame of Prometheus, needed for combining the two weapons. Later, Regina learns from Tiana that Facilier purposely sent her after the beast just so he could retrieve a necklace. Grumpily, Regina makes up lies about the man, but Tinker Bell realizes she was too scared to meet the man. ("Homecoming"), Roni and Weaver later return to the castle, regroup with Rogers, and then find Henry in the company of Sir Henry and Rumplestiltskin. Finding that she cannot divorce her husband, she asks her father to bring a box with her freedom in it. Urged by her mother, Regina rushes to stop the assailant and finds Mary Margaret, who offers her Cora's heart. She gets faxed documents from Sidney about Henry's birth mother and discovers the woman was found as a baby in the woods eighteen years ago. United RealmsRoni's (formerly)Tiana's Palace (formerly)Resistance camp (formerly)Her house (formerly)Her palace (formerly)Summer Palace (formerly)Her manor (formerly)King Xavier's castle (formerly) As they scramble to leave, Hook finds a dreamcatcher, causing Regina to realize Emma used it to take their memories. Emma came to Storybrooke where they live and decided to stay for a little bit. Emma shrugs it off, believing Regina is taking out anger on her, and tasks Hook with hiding Elsa from the townspeople at the sheriff's office. After Snow and David return, Emma declares she won't use the shears to stop her own death, and instead, wants to find another way or accept that she is meant to die. Regina deducts it is strong magic and that she can slow down the spell. If this is true, where are Emma and Killian of the A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. Henry receives a missed call from Jacinda and worries something is wrong, but Roni persuades him to let Jacinda get back to him later and then provides him with a pair of sweatpants so he can join her for Kelly's pedaling class. ("A Bitter Draught"), Shortly after, Rumplestiltskin visits an unhappy Regina in her palace to remind her of Snow White and Prince Charming's wedding ceremony, and that the protection spell he put on them only works in the Enchanted Forest. As Mary Margaret sadly takes this news in, Regina turns around before smirking and taking her leave. Zelena tries to find the feather from Robin's arrow that Roland gave her to give to Regina, but it is lost. Eventually, they reach a cave where she enlightens him about her "friend" who is guarding the fail-safe, and the magic within the walls prevent her from being truly defeated by intruders. Regina rejects the offer by stating she always has been good, but Mary Margaret suggests that all her actions thus far have been evil. This is the second book that is based off of Emma's journey as the darkone and this book takes place after the darkness of the darkone is destroyed forever and the people in Storybrooke finally get to start living close to a normal life without worrying about new villains to destroy and the town being in danger. Henry is thankful for her support, and later, receives acceptance letters from all the colleges he applied to. ("Sisters"), Shortly after letting Zelena go, Regina explains her decision to her allies, who are skeptical about whether her sister can change Hades or not. Once Drizella proclaims her intentions of casting the Dark Curse as revenge on Tremaine, Regina vows to do everything in her power to break it, although Drizella promises to make it unbreakable. This appears to strike a nerve in Weaver, though he manages to turn around with a neutral face and ask her who Belle is. After Kelly walks out, Henry rushes in to inform Roni that he's since learned Lucy is in a coma and has plans to take the first flight back to Seattle. Immobilizing Prince Charming, Regina then offers her stepdaughter mercy if she gives up her claim on the throne. ("Page 23"), To help Emma as she copes with Hook leaving her, Regina takes a break from researching how to break the sleeping curse and invites Emma to a girls' night out with her and Snow at a new pub called Aesop's Tables. As David and Mary Margaret reunite with their daughter, Henry rejoins Regina. And for some reasons stairs are a problem for both of them.This story is about so many different things, too hard for me to summarize, besides I was never good at summaries anyway. Regina decides to be a team player as they assemble for leaving. Unknown to them, this girl is Snow White, King Leopold's daughter, whose horse Cora had intentionally startled in order for Regina to rescue her. Since they both have business outside of town, she convinces Emma to go with her. At the mayor's office, Regina presents this plan to the townsfolk by telling them of a time during the first Dark Curse when Snow and David chose to sacrifice their own happiness for everyone's sake, and this time, she hopes they can return the favor. [] It's refreshing, it's different". Persuaded by both Henry Mills and Robin Hood that she is capable of light magic, Regina uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all, and then seizes her pendant to strip her of magic. After some thought, Ruby recalls Dorothy loved her deceased Auntie Em. Zelena sets a deadline for her to be on Main Street after sundown. Emma privately objects to her reaction, but Regina asks her to stay out of the issue. ("Queen of Hearts"), Using her father's heart, she successfully casts the curse. Regina berates Mr. Gold over his foolishness and expresses frustration over her previous ventures with David, Emma and Mary Margaret and getting nowhere in the plan of reaching Henry. This is my first WickedSwan story! That evening at the bar, Ivy comes to Roni for help because the Candy Killer, the nickname for the witch murderer, came after her. While alone at the diner, she is joined by Emma as they share drinks. On the day of the trial, Regina holds a ring close to her while whispering, "We got her, Daniel. At nightfall, Regina pulls out the glass shard and drops it down a mine shaft vent down to the many pieces and remains of Snow White's coffin. HumanCecaelia (briefly)Rat (briefly) After the Queen hides Snow away, Regina, Emma, and Hook follow David to the woods to find her. ("Murder Most Foul"), Finding Robin in the woods, Regina apologizes to him for putting pressure on him to be like the Robin she knew. Regina disagrees, telling her that sacrificing one person's life to save others is never okay. Regina learns some of Camelot's residents have been brought to Storybrooke by Emma's curse, and she briefs Arthur about it. ("Knightfall"), At the bar, Roni shows Lucy the walkie-talkies they will be using, but the girl finds them to be too clunky and instead persuades her to communicate by text messaging instead. To procure the item, Regina summons a mermaid, Ariel, from the ocean. COVER BY @s Emma Swan had gotten cancer. During the fight, the Huntsman grabs a totem to turn the shape-shifters into normal wolves, but this plan is halted once Snow White and Red Riding Hood fall into the ice-cracked lake. This gives Emma time to enact a barrier in the back room; temporarily shielding Mr. Gold from Cora's grasp. Graham then gasps in pain and loosens his grip while Kurt escapes. The mayor furiously proclaims Mary Margaret is a liar as well as murder and will pay for what she's done. Henry mentions he and Cinderella are off on a mission for the Resistance once his motorcycle is fixed and invites her to come too, but she lies about being busy. As she walks away, Marian expresses pity towards her; believing the Queen is cruel due to being without a family and having no love in her life. In another plan, they have Leroy spread the false word that Regina is making a potion, so whoever drinks it can recall who cursed them, in order to smoke out the crook. The Evil Queen is based on . Read to find out more. Until Hook manages to make his way back into town. Roni reminds him not to give up and how much Lucy needs his belief even if she can't ask for it right now. While the Queen believes she has won, Edmond later backs out of the deal and is further manipulated by Rumplestiltskin into leaving the Enchanted Forest for good, as assurance he will never work for Regina again. Henry is conflicted about what to do, while Regina encourages him to decide in his own time as only he knows himself best. While they made hot chocolate, Emma kept popping marshmellows into her mouth and leaving their supply low for Regina as well. Instead of David going with Ruby to Oz, where he'll make the journey home to Storybrooke, he forfeits his freedom so Snow can go instead. With David and Mary Margaret, Regina goes to confront Emma, who promises that they'll be thanking her after she is done with Zelena, and then stabs Excalibur into the ground, triggering a magical barrier that touches everyone who is present. When he catches her, she asks him to hand over the book. Now that she's the Dark One, she can finally have him. After imprisoning her sister in a cell, Regina reasons that they've both suffered as Cora's daughters and by having lives they didn't want. Knowing that he has fallen on hard times, she promises to reward him handsomely, especially since he is barely making enough to provide a fulfilling childhood for his daughter Grace. Regina wishes for the curse to be broken by the only true love in her lifeHenrysince she wants to live for him. As his wish comes true, Regina fears being forced into love against her will until hearing a voice come from inside the hand mirror. While Hansel is ordered by his sister to run, Gretel hits one of the Queen's guards with her slingshot before fleeing. Regina flatly refuses and walks out, but Isaac gets her attention by admitting that Henry's Author powers are taking over him and that the frequency and intensity of his trances will get worse. Regina duels with Edmond to protect Snow and David, but she can't use magic because of the Queen's spell to weaken her powers. Once the spell is cast, the group view a prerecorded hologram message from Merlin, who tells them to look for Nimue, the person they need for defeating the Dark One. As Regina and Emma work on repairing one of the mirrors, the Queen forces the Dragon to morph into his dragon form and orders him to kill them. In her mother's study, she is playing with her doll Isabella, when Cora walks in. I never had the chance to say this to you, but your smile is the most exquisite thing I've ever seen. They draw the Wraith into the portal, but Emma falls in as Mary Margaret hastily follows after her daughter. Henry then tricks Regina into believing he can help her by using a map from one of Cora's spell books that'll bring them to an item to locate Snow. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Lana Parrilla and guest star Ava Acres. After she tells them about Maleficent's big reveal, Emma insists on being nearby, in case something goes wrong, when the heist is carried out. If you ship CaptainSwan then check out this book. The Evil Queen] OC - Chapters: 22 - Words: 66,545 - Reviews: 378 - Favs: 814 - Follows: 828 - Updated: Feb 17, 2015 . True to her prior threats, the Queen begins suffocating Grumpy as retribution for Snow White's defiance, and she throws back the other dwarves when they attempt to help him. Regina knows nothing about the photo, but she lies about not knowing Sidney's whereabouts. Female Before leaving, he sneers that if Regina has to use magic to get her son, then she never had him to begin with. [7], On the first day of Henry's senior year at school, Regina marks his height on a wall chart as she has done in prior years. Regina resumes work as the mayor and receives a shock when she sees Henry at the diner. Looking over Regina's signature on the adoption agreement, Roni signs the same name and notices her penmanship matches the woman's. Emma states she fears not being able to protect her family, but Regina recognizes this is not the root of the issue. In the end, Hook disarms Arthur, freeing Merlin from his grasp, which forces Arthur and Zelena to retreat. Snow and David retrieve the plant, but on the trio's way out, the Queen snaps it in half. "You just got hit over the head and that's what you ask. ("Dark Waters"), When the Queen threatens to destroy the town with Acheron water unless David and Snow forfeit their hearts to her, Regina and the heroes learn from Mother Superior about a sapling that can defeat her, but they cannot risk the villains finding out. Later on, the heroes discover pixie flowers, which have the ability to reunite those who share true love, may be Snow and David's chance to undo the curse. Knowing it will cause her own demise, she asks Emma to tell Henry of her heroic deed. Emma finds out the truth of her parents' actions against Maleficent, but on the way to find Lily and rescue Robin from Zelena, she finds out Robin has been abusing Zelena while she was Marian and sets out to protect her. Once again, Emma brings Henry home. Emma gains insight on Pan's real reason for needing Henry's heart, which is to save himself from dying and then become immortal. As Regina looks into both of their reflections, Cora schools her on being the heart of the commoners once she becomes queen, and since the king is weak, they can kill him to own the throne entirely. Roni agrees with the severity of the situation which is why she has come to him, and Weaver tells her they have to reach Anastasia before Ivy does. She names herself Danielle after her father. Mr. Gold attests that nothing has changed from the previous world, and he still has more power than her. ("The Guardian") ("The Guardian"), Directly after the curse is broken, Roni wakes up to reunite with Henry before conjuring up a fireball to throw at Gothel, but her magic is no match for the latter's. Only when she climbs up does she see a bound Regina. Afterwards, Regina returns to her office for the first time since Robin died and cries over him. Roni tries to get him to stay and have Kelly go instead, but her sister refuses to budge, causing Samdi to depart on his own. ------------------------------------------------------------------- When she was a child, Regina had a doll that she named, The doll's name is the same first name as, Initially, Regina retained a small amount of, Regina's phone number in Storybrooke is (. She and Hook try to persuade her to forgive her parents, but Emma simply isn't having it. During discussion about infiltrating the castle, David suggests going in from the front and ambushing the soldiers. In the basement, they find Excalibur in a stone, noting that the sword's markings are the same as the Dark One's dagger. Later that night, they attend a diner party, where he asks about Zelena's condition, to which she confirms her sister is still pregnant. Disarms Arthur, freeing Merlin from his grasp, which forces Arthur and zelena retreat. Emma as they assemble for leaving the potion and only caring about himself when Henry 's life is at.... Star for a fresh start, new life, when Cora walks in for murder charges ; you got. Immobilizing Prince Charming, Regina secretly has Graham over as they assemble for leaving zelena tries to find the from. Gave her to stay for a little bit his grasp, which is exactly she. She meets the stableboy Daniel for the first time since Robin died and cries him... She berates him betraying her trust by stealing the potion and only about. 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once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma