shortness of breath after donating blood

It's highly unusual for a healthy male donor to become so anemic as to need an iron transfusion. What to do before, during, and after your donation. If a person is experiencing any of the above symptoms, a nurse or doctor will stop the transfusion. The sight of blood or the collection needle, pain from the needle insertion, or anxiousness about the donation process can trigger this reaction. Wondering if there's a cutoff age? My wife called 911, and an ambulance soon found me. this post is from 4 years ago i believe and it saddens me to see that not much has changed with the red cross. Everyone needs to know this and it should be sent to the blood donation center for the staff there to see! Severe symptoms include: spasms vomiting shock irregular pulse cardiac arrest Arterial puncture An. There is a whole spectrum of things that can cause people to be short of breath, but it frequently stems from a problem that's pulmonary (related to the lungs) or cardiovascular (related to the heart). How do blood transfusions help treat a person with sickle cell disease? Altruism and wellbeing in an age of austerity. American Red Cross. It is always good to speak with your doctor before donating. I will see what happens in the next 24 hours but for now i know I will never again give blood. If you feel your arm sore you can take acetaminophen or any pain reliever. However, its pathophysiology is poorly understood. It's Lung Cancer Difficulty Breathing After Blood Donation -Doctors Lounge (TM) Medical Specialty >> Hematology Doctors Lounge - Hematology Answers Back to Hematology Answers List If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. I just donated (Germany) at my university where they set up a station, and that's something I will not do again that soon. hi.. 5 days ago i donated my blood for the first during a blood drive they conducted in our hb level was normal. I was unresponsive for some time. Sudden onset of shortness of . There are eight main types. People may feel fatigued or experience some dizziness, lightheadedness, or nausea after donating blood. Your hemoglobin levels can be normal but your iron stores can still be unknowingly low, which is why we have increased the donation time for women as they tend to have more iron issues. these side affects hit me so hard! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Beware though: more Americans have TOO MUCH iron than too little--it's why they stopped putting them in "normal" multi-vitamins. The shortness of breath is in this case an illusion. I have also met some who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. Donating blood He ruled out a bleeding ulcer and I tested positive for Celiac disease through a blood serum test. When do you need a blood transfusion? However, according to the CDC, most reactions are typically mild and respond quickly to treatment. other information we have about you. After being diagnosed, I researched and found that not only can frequent blood donation cause or contribute to iron deficiency or anemia, but that the FDA also allows blood centers to take blood from donors who are already anemic without informing donors. Just recently, UBS started screening ferritin levels (which store your iron) to ensure our regular donors, such as yourself, do not become anemic on a count of donating blood. You'll soon start receiving the latest Mayo Clinic health information you requested in your inbox. Depending on the type of transfusion reaction, complications can include: A person should notify a healthcare professional if they experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this article. They just merely follow procedures or if they don't, they get fined (like the American Red Cross) or they can ultimately be shut down. Why? If your hemoglobin count is only a little under the required level, particularly if you've been accepted for blood donation in the past, you might just need to wait a couple of months and try again. shortness of breath If these symptoms are left untreated, they may become more severe. Also, please make sure you go to a doctor regularly. I recently gave blood at work, the needle felt as it was inserted wrong, as the pain was excruciating. Find out in this article. Treatment depends on the severity of the reaction and may include: According to a 2012 article, septic transfusion reactions typically occur due to bacterial contamination of the donor blood components, most commonly from the platelet products. When to see a doctor Make an appointment with your doctor if you feel fatigued and you don't know why. 7. If you have signs and symptoms of a low hemoglobin count, make an appointment with your doctor. A compress may ease any tenderness until the pain goes away. I don't think it's fair to say that donating blood nearly killed you. THANKYOU SO MUCH ABOUT THE IRON , WHEN I WAS IN MY EARLY TEEN YRS IWAS ALSO, ANEMIC, AND MY MOTHER CURE WITH BLENDED BEEF LIVER, IWAS NEVER AGAIN ANEMIC.GOD BLEESYOU KEEP UP THE GGOD THEE. Cancelled all my plans & was still very week for the following week when I returned to work. Not so much for men. They really need to have a better system in place for the donor and aftercare as well as precautionary information. DreamerMeg from Northern Ireland on April 29, 2012: Amazing! I just went to the donation clinic which didnt inform me that hemoglobin and iron were two different aspects of blood donation that can be affected. I would have had no problems if I was getting annual blood work done by an actual doctor. It's very different in Australia. Replacing lost fluids and iron stores with extra water and iron-rich foods can help. The hemoglobin machine clocked me in at 13.5 which is pretty standard for me and in keeping with blood work that I 've had done for physicals or have had done for other reasons. At the age of 24, I donate blood quite regularly. If you feel ill before donating your blood you must tell the donor center so that the infection of your blood will not be transmitted to the donors receiver. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. And on a side note I had education to do what I do and am nationally certified. This was the second wisest choice I could have made. It has a profound influence on the quality of life of CKD patients, and its underlying causes are often associated with a negative prognosis. However, women may experience shortness of breath after giving birthespecially if they do so via C-sectionwhich can be a sign that something is off, like fluid in the lungs or a pulmonary . It is incorrect for someone to tell you that you have too little or too much iron from a finger stick hemoglobin. Read this article to learn about the different types of blood. I wanted to share my opinion and my story about frequent blood donating. Another possibility is that you are actually suffering from asthma - specifically, exercise-induced asthma. As very young I had always given blood. Is there a maximum number of blood transfusions a person can have? This is rare for a male donating blood. After doing some research yes frequent blood donors can tend to have reduce iron, 3 times a year or more is considered frequent, glad I do not give every 8 weeks!!! This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. I couldn't blame it on being old because I was only 40 and I couldn't blame it on drugs or alcohol because I don't do those things. Shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, when climbing a flight of stairs can be caused by a respiratory condition like COPD or asthma. Lab Tests Online. However, it is a very rare occurrence, and it has become less prevalent since the introduction of the irradiation of blood products. I see it everyday as a practicing nurse and have helped scores of people, including saving lives. If you will be driving after your donation, ensure you feel well before starting your vehicle. The RN or the blood center did not inform me that I was anemic before they took my blood, even though my hemoglobin level clearly indicated that I was anemic. They work closely with a range of fully qualified doctors. Yes, turns out, my bad. Shortness of breath is the most common symptom of heart failure. 3. I never gave my consent to letting them take my blood when I was already anemic. Not sure if that's a problem or what to do. Pain and tingling may be a serious effect. its not 13.4 i believe from the top of my head. Im 48 and its been maybe like 4-5 years I dont donate so idecided to donate yesterday afternoon. I struggle with anemia and it definitely causes shortness of breath:-/ how was your number on the hemoglobin test? Many people with this condition experience shortness of breath or coughing only when . I can't believe these comments giving blood in the UK is much more regulated than this and is totally run by volunteer nurses. It is odorless, colorless, and easily induces mortality in massive doses when it takes oxygen in the blood. I hope FDA/AMA will recommend this soon. These checks may highlight any underlying conditions people are not aware of and help them seek treatment sooner. Im an O, so my need to donate is imminent, but Ill only be doing it once a year. donation gives my great feeling That's really true. For a while I donated every 6 months, but when my new company accepted donations every 2 months I was on board to follow that schedule for 5 years and felt good about my donations. Complaints of respiratory distress, including shortness of breath, account for approximately 13% of all EMS calls. information submitted for this request. People may also experience some pain or tenderness at the site of the needle insertion, and possibly some minor swelling. I was planning to wait it out a few days before calling them, You lost some red blood cells. According to a 2013 article in the British Journal of Haematology, reactions occur due to: Treatments for a mild allergic reaction include: Anaphylactic reactions occur in those with immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiencies and have IgA antibodies in their plasma. You may feel shortness of breath for many reasons. How long does it take, and how long do the, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. However, some people who use nicotine or cannabis products may wonder if they are eligible blood donors. I got over it and informed the blood bank since they email me reminders and know my history of donating--they claimed that you can't give too much--after much research I realized they actually lie about it. Yellow, green, or rusty colored sputum or phlegm or blood in the sputum. Though it is just for temporary and will disappear after maximum 36 hour. It is really helpful to make a decision whether or not to donate. However, TRALI can be fatal and has a mortality rate of between 525%. The blood bank where I work has extensive training for our already qualified employees. Anemia (low number of red blood cells in your body). Chris, thanks for this. My daughter gave blood in August 2016 being a migraine suffer on Oct the 5th she had a stroke to find her iron levels were 6 and 9 way to low then Wednesday gone Nov 2016 we find at 17 she also has a hole in her heart , be wise get check before giving blood we still today have no end to this they are still testing her for more we are seeing the heart surgeon on tge 7th Dec. I guess what I'm getting at is that if you want to donate blood you should have a blood panel run every 6 months (if you can). My guess is that your ferritin levels were low due to your faithful donating. i drove myself to the hospital. My blood specialist told me neither has enough iron to help me, I need quite a bit more, either pills or IV. Shortness of breath can be caused by: Lung damage from cancer or cancer treatments. However, since the day after donating I've been feeling short of breath. Do any symptoms still linger and did you actually suffer a stroke? I knew i was not doing well but my capability to talk, react and even see was getting worst & worst by the seconds. Flushed skin, itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing, blue lips, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, IV epinephrine, antihistamines, IV steroids, bronchodilators, Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction, Rise in temperature by at least 1% and chills, Fever, flank pain, low blood pressure, renal failure, and difficulty breathing, Supportive therapy using IV fluids, dialysis if necessary, and management of bleeding, Antibiotic therapy, fluid management, respiratory support, Difficulty breathing, fever, and high blood pressure, Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or cough, Person needs to sit upright and diuretics, Delayed hemolytic or delayed serologic transfusion reaction, Fever, jaundice, dark urine, stomach pain, labored breathing, high blood pressure, Exact prevalence is unknown, but the reaction is, Rash, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and bone marrow failure, Prevention: Irradiation of blood products, Supportive using IV immunoglobin an steroids, the donor blood containing specific plasma proteins that the recipients blood sees as allergens, the donor blood containing food allergens, such as peanut or gluten, antibodies in donor blood react with antibodies in the recipients blood, taking an antihistamine to help treat an allergic reaction, investigating all cases of fever as it may indicate a more severe cause. This is better for everyone, but they need to invest in us, if nothing else, to keep us around to donate! This results in the destruction of platelets and a decline in platelet numbers. Blood centers generally allow no more than one plasma donation every four weeks (28 days) and up to 13 times per year. Had I done so, I may have been able to avoid a life-threatening situation. I work for Canadian blood Services and I can tell you that we have never tested iron levels. Low blood and low iron content can cause migraines. I HAD AND ERUPTED BLADER TRAUMA OPRATION,AND I LOST ALOT BLOOD.2REASON IS THAT I HOPE THAT MY BLOOD CAN HELP SOMEBODY. A 2019 article states that an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction causes the body to start destroying the donated red blood cells. Your story is a scary one! 2 months ago i walked into a red cross donating drive thinking i was going to donate the typical 1 pint of blood. I asked them politely to take my name off of their calling list but because of my blood type that everyone wants, O negative, I was simply ignored, called continuously, and even told I was wrong, that it was impossible to suffer adverse effects. Post your donation pics, discuss your experiences, ask any questions let's make a warm and welcoming community of people who generously give of their very life force. . Still have some fatigue and shortness of breath but not that bad for it to be noticeable throughout my day. The following day and the the next week of my life, I was beyond sick,migranes, unable to catch my breath, week, no energy at all and unable to take a shower without sitting down. Check that your iron is ok by asking questions after the test. Yes i gave blood also and almost fainted after several times of giving blood i found out i was anemic .I was very lightheaded after giving blood .Now they said i shouldn't donate because i had very low ferritin, Just a fyi hospitals use phlebotomist to draw and even test some blood. "Individuals who donate more than once every four weeks should be monitored," Puca said. Took a few years off, then decided a few days ago I missed it, and donated. I don't donate now because I had prostate cancer in 2015, although surgery cured that. Wow. Intense exercise or having a cold can also make you feel breathless. Common causes include: asthma a chest infection being overweight smoking a panic attack But sometimes shortness of breath could be a sign of something more serious, such as: a lung condition called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) It should take you twice as long to breathe out as it did to breathe in. Heart damage (congestive heart failure). Iron Toxicity is dangerous. A larger scale 2019 study looked at the effects on heart health in 159,934 people who were regular blood donors. I had a full blood count down at my doctor's just a month ago (for a check up) and my hemoglobin and hematocrit were fine. Symptoms will depend on the severity and may include: If other symptoms are present, the person should contact their doctor. they were wrong! I went back three months later and my levels were still in the same range. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. This blood transfusion reaction develops very quickly. This effect is commonly occur to donors after donating their blood. This is a normal reaction and should go away by itself within 1 week. The last time the lady was really lovely (no rushing) My blood just wouldnt drop in the solution and when they checked a blood sample it failed as my haemoglobin level was slightly low (should be 125 and it was 121 ) I was told it was not at a level to worry about and there was no need to see the doctor. I had seen the lights before a few years ago, but never so extreme while my head was throbbing. Its terrible. Signs that indicate a more severe reaction include: Examples of acute transfusion reactions include the following: Even when a person receives the correct blood type, allergic reactions can occur. Examples of delayed transfusion reactions include the following: A delayed hemolytic or delayed serologic transfusion reaction occurs when an antibody that the recipient already has reforms and reacts to red cell antigens. It can also interfere with normal lung function which, in turn, decreases the organ's capacity to absorb oxygen over time. my hemoglobin and hemocrit were low but not dangerously low so they sent me home telling me to take my iron supplements and follow up with my GP. I did go for a run which was a big mistake. It happens when antibodies in the donor blood, such as human leukocyte antibodies, react with the recipients leukocytes, or white blood cells. lightheaded, short of breath, my heart felt like it was ready to jump out my chest just by walking to the bathroom, i was pale, i was a mess! And I always wake up feeling tired. A summary of the blood transfusion reactions are as follows: The outlook depends on which reaction a person is experiencing. Blood donation can also have many pluses for the donor, with potential emotional and physical benefits on health. Harewood, J., & Master, S. R. (2019). : High bp, unbalanced hormones, shut down of certain hormones like pregnenolone dhea progesterone etc. Fluid around your heart or lungs. I have been told, though I am not positive, buckwheat has higher iron content. Stoke is the major concern due to the normal pooling of the blood.= due to FIB. (so they took my blood ). Felt very dizzy and confused and dry tongued. I get migraines too and I'm a healthy female. I thought this was odd because I'd experienced migraines before and never got dizzy during one. They should not feel guilty about it. Spot on, Andrew. This results in pulmonary edema, or excess fluid in the lungs. (We thought it was asthma at first.) Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press. Chris, I am very glad to hear you are doing much better! I am 37, in good shape, and feel that I have a pretty healthy diet, but it does sting me that I loved donating blood and helping my fellow man but know it's in my best interest to not donate blood until further notice.. (n.d.). My doc does extensive blood work annually and it's almost time again. I was told seven months ago to wait for seven months before the next donation due to my drop test being a 9.I gave blood for the blood drive and had a 12 on the test. I donated blood twelve days ago. I was admitted to the nearest hospital through their ER. Being short of breath is also a warning sign of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association, and it can happen with or without chest pain. Being turned down for blood donation isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Thanks God nothing major happened to you. People experience and describe shortness of breath differently depending on the cause. 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shortness of breath after donating blood