I wave at everybody, if they don’t wave back I just assume that they’re busy shifting. ), but didn’t make any gestures. The different ways that humans communicate with one another are plentiful, but the wave gesture is one of the … The “moving fingers around in a scraggly fashion” wave. Among all of the possible hand gestures that can be misinterpreted around the world, the chin flick may be the least confusing. After reading this article you will be able to do the “Biker Wave” and what it means. 1 – Changing Gears The short answer is, No, A person being left handed should not affect your ability to... Is a Honda Nighthawk a Good Starter / Beginner’s Motorcycle? Yesterday a Harley rider waved back! Remember, back in 1904 there was not many motorcycles on the road and not a lot of bikers. what does the 2 finger wave at a 45 degree angle mean for bikers? As I said, I only give “twos up” to cage drivers. I can’t imagine motorcycle riders in the UK would use it for anything else as its meaning is as clear and prevalent as the one-fingered salute in the US. The meaning was no better, though. So to all you crazy bikers around the world, I’m throwing my wave atcha! When you go out into the real world and start doing the biker wave to your fellow motorcyclists, you will feel like you are awesome. All the women on the backs without turning around gave me the forefinger/pinkie signal as they passed me, and some of the solo riders too. Avoid these people at all costs. And to answer the cage drivers who always want to know “Why do you guys wave to each other?”: It’s because we all know each other. 3. It is believed that this was seen by other people and those people thought it is what bikers do. Keep reading below to get the breakdown of the biker wave. Something else? So I have some questions for you other MotoDopers. Most bikers only wave to the people who’re riding the same kind of motorcycle as them. Finally, what do you mean by it? She looks so glamourous with her red lipstick and finger waves. More relevant on narrow mountain roads where there are blind corners, etc. The ones you mention are just friendly greetings, sharing the road with a brother biker. As is a way that was only appropriate during war-time, the gesture simultaneously meant "Victory over the Germans" as well as "Stick it up the Germans." 3 – Heading into a curve / avoiding something in the road :eek: Sometimes I’ll raise my hand, and other times I’ll flash a “peace sign”. Twenty-seven minutes into it, there is footage of Churchill arriving in North Africa. It is important to remember that it is OK if you are unable to wave or receive a wave. :embarrassed: Johnny- I’ve had Harley riders wave to me on my SCOOTER! Just know that there will be some occasions when you will not get a return wave or you will miss a wave. First the guy doesn’t check the traffic around him, and then he gets pissed at me because I had the gall to be occupying the space where he wanted to go! There are other signals that have specific meanings, such as holding your hand out, palm down, and moving your arm up and down meaning "slow down," usually for danger or perhaps a speed trap ahead. If the other rider does not return the wave, do not be offended. In most cases the other rider will also give you the wave in return. It is just like doing the peace sign. I'm 15 and i have a bike license and whenever I am ridding by other bikers they give me the 2 finger wave and i don't really know what it means but i just go along with it what does that wave mean? You will almost always see two bikers acknowledge each other when they cross each other in different directions. Either as a cuckold, or as a curse. I and other motorcyclists display the “peace sign” palm-forward, not back of the hand forward. In the UK a two-finger wave using index and middle finger, displaying the back of the hand and thrusting upwards means “eff off”. Nothing is more evident to this fact than the “Biker’s Wave/Salute”. ](www.geocities.com/rachanadasnew/ historical.html). A type of wavy hairstyle achieved by using the fingers and a comb on damp hair. It should be noted that there are just some people who do not like to wave at any other brand of motorcycle except for the brand they are riding. I've Moved to a New Channel! Secondly, do you use the two-finger wave? No big credentials but I’ve ridden more than 100K miles on heavy weight bikes. The Two Fingers Wave When you’re on the road and you pass another Harley-Davidson, you will notice they will often flash you the two-finger wave; much like the peace sign, only upside down. Theory Two: The wave was used as recognition of military service between bikers. If you do not have two tires on the ground, it usually means you crashed. Must have been an executive on his new bike and didn’t know the rules:). Enrich … eesh, it looks like i ripped that from an encyclopedia of hand gestures…. The reason we use two fingers is because we are saying to keep two tires on the ground. I rarely get a return or even a nod. It means to keep your 2 wheels down on the road. 2nd guy: Hand with one finger = one rider behind. or "Peace! link to Is a Honda Nighthawk a Good Starter / Beginner’s Motorcycle. Same sign with the thumb stuck out horizontally means “I love you.”, I’ve noticed a decidedly different response from folks since I changed from the one finger wave to the two finger wave. Popular culture also describes the meaning of the "V" sign meaning "up yours", and is commonly accompanied by the verbalization of this sentence when wanting to insult someone even further. I wave to other motorcyclists when I’m riding. The first time I passed a fellow motorcyclist I thought to myself “Ha! There’s a mystery behind a biker’s appearance and the secret language they use that makes us all curious. You stick your left hand (Clutch side) out about 45 degrees below your handle bars and stick out your index and middle finger. Same sign with the thumb stuck out horizontally means “I love you.”. That guy doesn’t know me!” I figured it out a few days later. Anyway, my husband and I ALWAYS wave, no matter what the person is riding. This stems from back in the days when a motorcycle was not such a common site on the road. I have no idea, but I know what the one-finger wave means! The last thing you want to do in a curve is take your hand off the handlebar and risk losing control of the motorcycle. Most people will not be upset if there is a wave or a lack of one. I use, and usually get, the two finger. **. Fig. The sign did not mean any of these when it originated in ancient Greece. Remember during President Barack Obama's inauguration when his daughters Sasha and Malia Obama hammed it up as the elder girl took shots of their goofy faces and hand signals with her cell phone.That's probably when the nation first realized the first daughters officially entered a stage that confuses parents everywhere. A wave is a nonverbal communication gesture that consists of the movement of the hand and/or entire arm that people commonly use to greet each other, but it can also be used to say goodbye, acknowledge another's presence, call for silence, or deny someone. some would say they are sending a traditional “Peace” sign to other riders, but whether is a 2 finger wave or a traditional 5 finger wave or just a finger in the air - it is an act of camaraderie among fellow bikers. I thought that meant “Shaka” (“Hang loose, Brah!”). The two finger wave/salute to me just makes it personal, at least on my part. The peace sign as we all know extends the index and middle finger to form a "V" or "peace." is that the forefinger and pinkie finger up?? However I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone give me two fingers up. It is very similar to how Jeep owners have their own wave as they pass each other on the road. The signifigance of the "wave" is acknowlegement of another rider. For example: Do not try to give a biker the wave if you are in a curve. A “two-finger salute” to a cage driver is more of a thrusting upward motion accompanied by a couple of flips, and the back of the hand is displayed as much as possible. If you're an expert or a budding motorcycle rider, it's no surprise that you've heard of the rider's wave. 2-fingers?? Welcome to the Brotherhood! In a situation like this (Or if you really want to wave at a biker while shifting) you keep your hand on the handlebar, but just extend your two fingers. Or was he sending a personal message to the cameraman? This is used as a greeting when riders first see one another or when they part ways. It is a simple acknowledgement between bikers to say “Hello my two wheel brother. Leave a Comment. Was he really signing “Victory!”? In the UK a two-finger wave using index and middle finger, displaying the back of the hand and thrusting upwards means “eff off”. It really is just a simple way of saying hello to someone who has the same passion as you, when it comes to two wheels. But that’s just because I’m really cute, I think. I know I do when I do it to this day. finger wave 1. “Hello, two-wheeled brother (or sister)”? If you are in a country that drives on the left side of the road, you would not really be able to wave. The Biker Wave is a way for motorcyclists to acknowledge each other as they pass each other on the road. Below is an image of what you should not be doing. Lets them know that it is a wave and not an arm signal to turn, or a visor adjustment. Around these parts the forefinger and pinkie finger up is the “Hook 'em Horns” sign of the U. of Texas Longhorns. The two-finger salute is a salute given using only the middle and index fingers, while bending the other fingers at the second knuckle, and with the palm facing the signer. I’m watching the Battle of El Alamein on The History Channel. can be accompanied by growling ‘metallllllll!’ in your most hardcore voice. link to Is Riding a Motorcycle More Difficult for Left Handers? 1. A classic variation of the finger positioning is to throw a peace sign (duce) or a thumbs up. The wave is suppose to be a discrete and not goofy or over the top. If you are interested in what Motorcycle and gear I own, you can check it all out on the Bike and Gear page! A two-finger salute to another motorcyclist, meaning "Hail, fellow, well met!" You do not want to wave at someone if it will put you (or the other rider) at risk of injury. There are plenty of reasons why the other rider did not do it. Since we just got the basics on how to do the biker wave correctly, lets briefly talk about the way not to do it. Later on this wave became very popular with Harley and Indian riders and the wave has continued on to this day. I wave at all bikes, though I’m starting to wave less at HD’s. 4 – Checking his mirrors This way you keep hold of the clutch and handlebars, but still wave at your fellow biker. I also do have experience riding the 250 and 750 models of... Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Have you ever noticed when to motorcycles pass each other on the road they give each other a “wave”? Why do bikers wave to each other? You stick your left hand (Clutch side) out about 45 degrees below your handle bars and stick out your index and middle finger. The origins of the biker wave are believed to be created in 1904 when Arthur Davidson and William Harley (the creators of Harley Davidson) were passing each other on the road and they waved at each other. Do not trust them. I noticed that the story did not mention the meaning of that particular wave. Forefinger and pinkie extended is a sign that someone is putting the “horns” on you. This doesn’t mean the rider is promoting world peace, it only means keep your two wheels on the ground. It was pretty cool, assuming it was a good thing and not meaning ‘get off our road, spandex-boy!’. Motorcycle: What does the two-finger wave mean to you. *Originally posted by The Big Cheese * Which reminds me: I’ve always wondered about Winston Churchill in the famous newsreel footage where he’s displaying “V for Victory” back of the hand toward the camera. Most bikers, in my experience, will ignore you if you try to wave at them like a normal wave would look. **2-fingers?? Never wave at people in cars except for kids (when they’ve got that, “Ooooh!” look on their faces). It can mean anything from f—k you to f—k off, go f—k yourself, and shove it up your a—. 'round here (South Carolina) most bikers just hold a hand, palm down out to the left. 2. The Peace Sign motorcycle wave (also a favorite amongst UPS drivers) uses your left hand pointed towards the road at an angle. I gunned the engine to get away (I love the R1! 2 – Did not notice you A "two-finger salute" to a cage driver is more of a thrusting upward motion accompanied by a couple of flips, and the back of the hand is displayed as much as possible. Personally, I use the two finger wave - no particular reason. A Harley rider waved at you?? Let’s bring the community closer. Was he really signing “Victory!”? The suggested angle is 45 … In the United States, the most common wave is two fingers pointed diagonally in the downward position. 1: The pedestrian variation on the traditional one-finger wave. But just to say it again, DO NOT try to wave at another biker if it does not feel safe to do so! :rolleyes: What does the two-finger wave mean to you? The two-finger wave is a hand signal that motorcycle riders use to acknowledge another rider when passing them in the opposite or same direction. So when you are out on the road enjoy yourself, say hello to your fellow biker as you pass each other. Perhaps it meant something different to them. So basically, it is each rider telling the other to be safe on the road. Incidentally, I was in the carpool lane yesterday when a cage driver started pulling into me. Which reminds me: I’ve always wondered about Winston Churchill in the famous newsreel footage where he’s displaying “V for Victory” back of the hand toward the camera. Some are fussy/particular enough to only wave at someone riding the same model and make. Who woulda thunk one finger could make such a difference…. A two-finger salute to another motorcyclist, meaning “Hail, fellow, well met!” or “Peace!”, is a palm-outward raising of the hand with the middle and index fingers raised. **I and other motorcyclists display the “peace sign” palm-forward, not back of the hand forward. To me it says “Hey- Having fun on this beautiful day? Staying safe and kind is the most important part of riding. I really like this one. 2: The traditional automotive one-finger wave (a.k.a. Sweet Zombie Jesus! 10 Middle Finger. Although there are many waving flourishes that have taken hold over time, the long standing signature biker wave is a variation of two fingers … Trikes sometimes do this as well, but they stick out three fingers instead of two. What do motorcyclist hand signals mean? If so, I was riding my bicycle on a country road, putting in some heavy miles when about a dozen Harleys came flying by me. A low wave with an angle greater than 45 degrees and/or with the palm facing up or back and/or with the use of four fingers is telling the … What if I’m stopped at an intersection and there is another biker across the street? - http://youtube.com/MotonosityX Ever notice motorcycle riders wave to each other, or done it yourself? Nice ride! He’s definitely displaying the “V” sign with the back of the hand forward. it is a wave. The V-salute, which became the peace sign in the 60’s, was created in Europe during WWII. First, do you wave to other motorcyclists? Yeeeehaw!”, hehe, round here the index/pinkie combo (known as ‘the horns’) usually signifies metal music, altho it’s spread and now includes punk, and something to flash at your mates when out listening to METAL!!! No wonder those guys are always running into each other. It was pretty cool, assuming it was a good thing and not meaning ‘get off our road, spandex-boy!’. Little kids in cars get the kahuna (pinky and thumb). Not a problem – they might be staring ahead at some boneheaded thing a car driver’s doing. Receive a wave V '' or `` peace. one of the hand.! I own, you would have to let go of your throttle you giving me a finger wave - particular. Originally posted by the Big Cheese * * 2-fingers? hand off the handlebar and risk control! The reason we use two fingers = two riders behind me like you do not have tires!: sometimes I ’ ve ever seen someone give me two fingers up gestures that can be by. A “ peace sign ” and seriously wrong will miss a wave and not meaning ‘ off! To turn, or done it yourself loose, Brah! ” ) that..., if they don ’ t mean the rider is promoting world peace, 's. Wave and not meaning ‘ get off our road, spandex-boy!.... Different directions down out to the cameraman but still wave at someone riding the same kind of motorcycle them. Seen someone give me two fingers up what motorcycle and gear I own, can! 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